Carbon Removal

If it were true that the marks are from reaming marks not lapped out then it should follow that only the lands would have the ridges. From the pictures both the lands and grooves have the latitudinal ridges. I have seen the same marks on inexpensive handgun barrels too. That leads me to believe it has something to do with cost cutting and something left out in the rifling process. It could be lack of lapping but the ridges would have then to be transferred to the grooves by the button as it rifled the barrel. Whether or not that is possible requires knowledge of the rifling process I do not possess but knowing machine processes as I do it seems implausible.
I can assure you, if theres tooling Mark's in the barrel before the button is pulled they will be on the lands and grooves both.
The button will not iron any out.
What is left out is the lapping process no doudt to cut costs.
The worst and best tool I've bought for cleaning is a borescope. Worst because it can induce needless worries. Best because after you get used to what you're looking at the feedback is invaluable. Most cleaning solvents work to one degree or another, but seeing the progress guides the effort and process. Without one we're just guessing.
If you have a bore scope, you can become your own expert on how a particular bore cleaner works or does not work. I read posts like this in amazement in how some guys love a particular solvent and it does little to remove caked on carbon.
The worst and best tool I've bought for cleaning is a borescope. Worst because it can induce needless worries. Best because after you get used to what you're looking at the feedback is invaluable. Most cleaning solvents work to one degree or another, but seeing the progress guides the effort and process. Without one we're just guessing.
Thumbs up on that. Just got mine and now I am fretting over all that I see. Ignoring the fire cracking but focusing on the carbon ring.
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