It is true that CRC makes a non chlorinated form of brakleen as well as a 50 state compliant form . It is also true that 80 years ago a lot of people worked them selves to death well before they were 70 and didn't know any thing about the health hazards of a lot of the chemicals that were being brought out in the market place . I know from experience that you don't want brakleen to be used near welding as I was welding up a coupon and a guy sprayed me and the coupon with the heavy duty green label brakleen it nearly killed me . That sir is why I say read your labels and exercise caution with your use of the chemicals you choose to use for yourself . Heck my Grandmother used DDT mixed with lime to white wash her home to keep the bed bugs out of it in the 30's and 40's as well as all kinds of other chemicals that are no longer on the market .