Cape Buffalo Hunting in SA with the 375 Ruger

Hunting for buff in the Limpopo you will likely not need to be dialing a scope. The low sandy country in the Limpopo is mostly very thick thorn brush. Most Buffs are killed at 100 yards and in. Personally I would not want to shoot at one much over 100 yards ;-). Your Barnes bullets will work great, maybe not even need a solid. I'd check with your PH on that one. Of course if you're one gunning is you might need to dial on a Kudu or Gemsbok or something else if they are on the menu and move out of the thorn brush, they do have mountains there.
Also taking a 7mm LRM for the plains game.
Thanks for the heads up. Our Travel agent has set us up with a guy from SA to take care of getting our guns through customs and the SA police stuff at the airport. He made us aware of that fact as well. I was on a plains game hunt in 2018 so I have a little experience in traveling to SA. I sure do appreciate all of the input and comment from you guys. The buffalo hunt has been on the bucket list for a long long time as much as I hate to say it if it werent for the Covid pandemic and the price drop for the hunt in SA I might not have ever been able to do this hunt. Wierd how some things work out. Please keep all of your comments and tips coming I welcome them all.
Thanks for the heads up. Our Travel agent has set us up with a guy from SA to take care of getting our guns through customs and the SA police stuff at the airport. He made us aware of that fact as well. I was on a plains game hunt in 2018 so I have a little experience in traveling to SA. I sure do appreciate all of the input and comment from you guys. The buffalo hunt has been on the bucket list for a long long time as much as I hate to say it if it werent for the Covid pandemic and the price drop for the hunt in SA I might not have ever been able to do this hunt. Wierd how some things work out. Please keep all of your comments and tips coming I welcome them all.
My friend in South Africa has hunts for great prices. A lot of great information on his site too.
I had a custom built 375 H&H built for my first trip to Africa. When I got done with all the red tape and issues, it stayed state side and I used the PH's guns. Only issue I had was a FTF on my 2nd shot on my lion. First shot had taken care of business, but not a good feeling to hear a click on my follow up. Guide did his own reloading for his 416 Rigby, and I guess got some oil from his hand on the primer as the firing pin hit it well. I had shot the gun 18 time previously to ensure function and POI at all ranges. For plains game, I used his 30-06 and easily took all plains game out to 380 yards with few going more than a few yards. Zebra fell in his tracks at 380 and first Kudu tried to carry it off but only made it about 30 yards before taking a nose dive in a cloud of dust. They say the African game is tough, but nothing can withstand proper shot placement with a quality bullet.
Africa is a hunt that can't really be described, but can be enjoyed in discussion by all those that have been lucky enough to experience it. I urge everyone to attempt to make it a trip they take, and take it earlier than later in life. I kept journals of every hunt and still enjoy reading about each one. I can still hear the lions roaring in the distance at night and the sounds and smells are still brought to the forefront of my thoughts as I read my journals.
We have another trip on the horizon, just getting all the details and dates worked out. Of course a Buf is on the agenda, and considering rounding out my big cat hunts with a Leopard.

I hope you have a great trip. Please post the description of the day, the hunt and the experience when you return along with some good pictures. What PH are you hunting with?
I had a custom built 375 H&H built for my first trip to Africa. When I got done with all the red tape and issues, it stayed state side and I used the PH's guns. Only issue I had was a FTF on my 2nd shot on my lion. First shot had taken care of business, but not a good feeling to hear a click on my follow up. Guide did his own reloading for his 416 Rigby, and I guess got some oil from his hand on the primer as the firing pin hit it well. I had shot the gun 18 time previously to ensure function and POI at all ranges. For plains game, I used his 30-06 and easily took all plains game out to 380 yards with few going more than a few yards. Zebra fell in his tracks at 380 and first Kudu tried to carry it off but only made it about 30 yards before taking a nose dive in a cloud of dust. They say the African game is tough, but nothing can withstand proper shot placement with a quality bullet.
Africa is a hunt that can't really be described, but can be enjoyed in discussion by all those that have been lucky enough to experience it. I urge everyone to attempt to make it a trip they take, and take it earlier than later in life. I kept journals of every hunt and still enjoy reading about each one. I can still hear the lions roaring in the distance at night and the sounds and smells are still brought to the forefront of my thoughts as I read my journals.
We have another trip on the horizon, just getting all the details and dates worked out. Of course a Buf is on the agenda, and considering rounding out my big cat hunts with a Leopard.

I hope you have a great trip. Please post the description of the day, the hunt and the experience when you return along with some good pictures. What PH are you hunting with?
PJ's Safaris in the Limpopo Region for the Buffalo and Waterval Safaris in the Eastern Cape for the plains game. I haven't been to the Limpopo region so I am very excited to see it. The conversations between PJ's and myself have been great. We actually booked the Cape Buffalo hunt via a Hunt consultant who has been fantastic to deal with. (Peter Dobbelaere of Top Hunt Travel) The plains game hunt is with Louwrence Lombard on his families 50,000 acre ranch. Low fence in the mountains. Its beautiful and full of free range game. I guess to some it doesn't matter but it was a bonus for me when I talked with him and he said no high fence hunting on his place. He is a great guy. I can't wait to get back there.
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