Cape Buffalo Hunting in SA with the 375 Ruger

Rifle shoots awesome at 50 yds, 100 yds, and 200 yds with the 270 TSX bullets at about 2970 fps per my LabRadar.
I cant wait for April 2021. Will post pics when I get back.
Did you perhaps mean to type 2790? like you posted when you got the gun from Gunwerks or have you loaded some yourself. If you are getting 3000 fps out of that load you are going to be more than a little over pressure. Locking up a bolt in the African heat on Buff is a really bad idea.:) I do hope you have just a great trip, and the restrictions finally come off.
My PH/friend, likes the Peregrine VRG-2 copper solids and the Peregrine VRG-3 Bushmaster bullets. He also speaks very highly of the TSX, and the GS Custom copper solid. Apparently brass is too brittle for buffalo bones.

I will be carrying the VRG-2 300 grain Solids in my .375 Ruger Alaskan.
Post a pic of the rifle! I just picked up a guide gun in .375 I'm excited to take to the range. Awesome feeling rifle, hope it shoots, I was surprised to find it isn't at all bedded or the barrel floated. Maybe it doesn't need it being as short and stout as it is?

What length barrel is on your rifle? 2790 with a 270 gr bullet is no joke. That setup will put a hurting on some big tough critters.
Good friend of mine has been to Africa twice now. The first time he took both the TSX and solids. He said he came home from the first trip without shooting a single solid. He didn't bother to take any solids the second time.
He shoots a 375H&H which is a bit slower than the Ruger.

I have a 375 Ruger African (non muzzle break model) and have had good accuracy with everything i've shot through it. I have the 270 TSX but haven't loaded them as of yet.
Post a pic of the rifle! I just picked up a guide gun in .375 I'm excited to take to the range. Awesome feeling rifle, hope it shoots, I was surprised to find it isn't at all bedded or the barrel floated. Maybe it doesn't need it being as short and stout as it is?

What length barrel is on your rifle? 2790 with a 270 gr bullet is no joke. That setup will put a hurting on some big tough critters.
It's a Gunwerks with a 24" barrel. Shoots lights out with both the 270 grain TSX and the 300 grain TSX. **** it some this past weekend and I'm averaging 2775 FPS. Shoots one ragged hole at fifty yards with three shots. 1/2" at 100. Will post some pictures this weekend of the rifle.
Some yrs back Speer made an 'African Grand Slam' in .375, .416, and .458 cal... They had a
tungsten core with extremely deep penetration. While working at Jarrett Rifles we would
get quite a bit of feedback from hunters/gun owners about bullet performance. These
Speer AGS w/tungsten cores were well liked by anyone who used them. The tungsten was
heavier/denser than lead. This made Speer AGS bullets shorter, leaving room for extra powder.
These AGS were especially liked by 458 Winchester shooters due to its limited case volume.
l see them on GB auction from time to time, very expensive bullets
Post a pic of the rifle! I just picked up a guide gun in .375 I'm excited to take to the range. Awesome feeling rifle, hope it shoots, I was surprised to find it isn't at all bedded or the barrel floated. Maybe it doesn't need it being as short and stout as it is?

What length barrel is on your rifle? 2790 with a 270 gr bullet is no joke. That setup will put a hurting on some big tough critters.
Not sure if you meant me or not. Mine is the original Alaskan with the Black coated stainless, no barrel band or sissy brake. I swapped the Ghille Green Hogue off my .300 Win Mag onto it.
I am booked on a Cape Buffalo hunt next year in the Limpopo Region of South Africa. I will be taking a 375 Ruger and was just wondering if anyone on here had any first hand experience with the 375 Ruger in Africa on any of the big five or on big bears maybe in Alaska or in Russia.
Probably going to shoot the 270 Grain TSX and maybe a 300 Grain Solid. I may switch to the 300 Grain TSX to get it closer to weight with the 300 grain Solid. The rifle I will be using is a Gunwerks LR1000 and the scope is a 2.5-10 x 42 Nightforce NXS knob was developed with the 270 grain TSX at 2794fps. Thanks for your info.
Hunting for buff in the Limpopo you will likely not need to be dialing a scope. The low sandy country in the Limpopo is mostly very thick thorn brush. Most Buffs are killed at 100 yards and in. Personally I would not want to shoot at one much over 100 yards ;-). Your Barnes bullets will work great, maybe not even need a solid. I'd check with your PH on that one. Of course if you're one gunning is you might need to dial on a Kudu or Gemsbok or something else if they are on the menu and move out of the thorn brush, they do have mountains there.
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