Cajun shrimp and cheesy garlic grit

You did, not me. My OP never said about the South. You are the one who trolled this thread.
I made a silly comment not realizing it was such an incredibly sensitive subject. They are just grits. If someone told me my grits looked funny I certainly wouldn't get offended or outraged and I have been cooking them my entire life. I might even see humor in it and respond in kind or not at all if I didn't see humor in it. Oh, and you were the one who pointed out that you were from further south than me, which if irrelevant then why say it, which I pointed out that does not make you from the south.
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Good grief fellas that whole thing blew up about nothing!

Good food is good food, I don't care what ya call it or where you're from haha. I ain't even remotely Asian but have come to take pride in the mean batch of simple egg-fried-rice I can whip up 😁. There's an art to it…and the much-vilified MSG really is a wonderful ingredient, you can get a bag of it for cheap on Amazon! 🤣. Sesame oil is a game changer for stir fries too, which we didn't even have in the stores here when I was a kid. Add some sesame seeds on top when it's done for a tasty crunch .

I grew up and live in rural Saskatchewan, raised on a lot of beef and potatoes. I still LOVE beef and potatoes, but always am down to try new things and see if I can make them.
Good food is good food, I don't care what ya call it or where you're from haha.
I ain't even remotely Asian but have come to take pride in the mean batch of simple egg-fried-rice I can whip up 😁. There's an art to it…and the much-vilified MSG really is a wonderful ingredient, you can get a bag of it for cheap on Amazon! 🤣. Sesame oil is a game changer for stir fries too, which we didn't even have in the stores here when I was a kid. Add some sesame seeds on top when it's done for a tasty crunch .
What matters is you are happy with your creation and enjoy doing so. I like all kinds of fried rice but sometimes, I just want garlic fried rice, and eat it with whatever protein I crave for the day, I.e., with steaks and eggs.

BTW, I love your Saskatoon berries, jam/preserve, and pies.
BTW, I love your Saskatoon berries, jam/preserve, and pies.

Oh! Yes those are very good as well haha. I was also raised on those berries, they're so good the largest city in our sparsely populated province is named after the dang things 🤣. I have no idea what that word actually means or what it originally was, I'm sure "Saskatoon" is an anglicized version of some Cree or other indigenous word, but it is more or less what they called these berries long before Europeans got here - they were an absolutely crucial factor in their survival here both as a source of calories and in warding off things like scurvy and other deficiencies over the long winters - dried berries for the win.

My wife and I make Saskatoon jam every year (our favourite is Saskatoon-raspberry), and some of my favourite childhood memories involve my mother's to-die-for Saskatoon turnovers 😋
Hard to beat a good Saskatoon pie! Not sure how the Saskatoon crop is here in Manitoba this year