Burris veracity or ???

You won't be disappointed! You have enough internal adjustment for the 1K+ yard shot but highly recommend a 20 MOA base per an optics SME's advice ...

What do you think of the reticle on the 4-20? I believe that they only offer one on this model.
I'd rather have the moa reticle that is available on the 5-25.

I just don't care for BDC reticles at all.
What do you think of the reticle on the 4-20? I believe that they only offer one on this model.
I'd rather have the moa reticle that is available on the 5-25.

I just don't care for BDC reticles at all.

I really like it. Most of the time, I dial it but have used the BDC a couple of times and it works (600 yards). I went for the 4-20 (70 MOA total) over 5-25 (64 MOA total) for the lower magnification and more elevation adjustment and added 20 MOA rail.
Thanks for the info.

I plan on replacing the Bushnell 4.5-30 on my 6.5 284.
I've been looking at this scope or a Leo vx6 3-18 tmoa.

I wish Burris listed moa equivalent to the bdc lines on the diagram on their site. Guess I'll need to shoot at varying distances to verify drops on the reticle. That's why I don't trust bdc reticles which is probably why I just dial my drops anyway.
Thanks for the info.

I plan on replacing the Bushnell 4.5-30 on my 6.5 284.
I've been looking at this scope or a Leo vx6 3-18 tmoa.

I wish Burris listed moa equivalent to the bdc lines on the diagram on their site. Guess I'll need to shoot at varying distances to verify drops on the reticle. That's why I don't trust bdc reticles which is probably why I just dial my drops anyway.

Actually, they do ....


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