Bullets Pencilling Through


Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2013
Shooting 6.5CM Hornady Precision Hunter 143 ELD-X chronographed at 2680. I've had great experiences with this ammo before. I was getting good exit holes with visible blood trails. Not sure if I'm using a new box of ammo now.

I just shot 2 deer at under 100 yards, 96 & 180 lbs in south Texas. Both deer had caliber sized entry and exit wounds with zero blood trail. Both deer found dead in the brush less than 50 yards away.

Any thoughts on why the exit wounds would be so small with no blood trail?
Saw the same thing, same caliber but with Bergers. WT Deer, maybe 80# soaking wet, at less than 100 yards, follow up shot at about 10 feet. Bullet size entry and exit on both. They worked just fine on Pronghorn at 325.
I've heard rumblings that people claim that the ELDX isn't a great bullet for inside 100 and I believe you can find posts on multiple forums about that topic