Build vs buy

I bought my first AR-15 variant (Daniel Defense M4) and have built a safe full since then.

If you are even close to mechanically inclined (can operate a fork and find the round hole for the round peg) then I say build it. You will know your rifles intimately and troubleshooting issues that will happen eventually will become much easier. I have built a variety of "normal" calibers in the AR15/10 platforms such as 5.56, 6.8SPCII, 308, all are sub-moa with the right ammo, some will eat dang near anything you feed them.

I have built exactly what my friends and family have wanted in their rifles and being able to do that has been great. Its Legos for adults but way more fun.

I was so into it at one point I built a spreadsheet with each part/piece that calculates prices so they could do their own research. This lead me into passing this tradecraft and what I had learned on to my daughter, family and some of friends so they also have that knowledge. Some of them went on to build, perfect and then teach others they know.

Bottom line is use quality parts and stick to the build process/procedure and torque specs and you will turn out a good rifle.
If it's your 1st AR platform rifle, buy it.

After that build it the way YOU want it, from low budget to high end! And you don't need a smith/armorer to do it right yourself.
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