Build vs buy

Just remember if you do a custom build you better intend on keeping it, because you only get pennies on the dollar when it comes time to sell it. Factory rifles usually will hold there value a lot more if they are kept in good condition.

I was thinking of doing a build and was curious what everyone's experience was building versus buying
Don't be intimidated by the build or the selection of parts. If you have questions I will answer.
-What do you want the rifle to do? Tight groups? Self defense? Hunting?
-What is the budget? Now is a bad time to buy AR anything as demand is high so are prices, and availability is terrible.
-Will the finished rifle live in a safe? Or will it ride along with you in the truck, or quad?
-Do you reload, or will you be running factory ammunition?
-It's pretty easy to find a picture of what you want, and buy the parts to match once you answer the first couple questions.
- I have a ton of experience and I will help if you want.
My experience is build....I bought a complete upper (won't say where), lower from a local smith. Shot some factory loads, and was really disappointed. I'm experienced enough in reloading so I tried several different bullet weights, powders etc, and not much of an improvement. Bought a new higher end barrel, changed out the trigger, and suddenly it went from being a truck gun (my smith calls them that) to a very nice shooter.
Custom guns are on the market, ones who guarantee sub MOA...but I learned a lot just from taking the time and building my own custom....thus far I've built 3 (.308, 5.56, Valkyrie), and the time and $$ saved was well worth it to me.
Btw. My hobby is bench shooting with my sub MOA (1" at 100) really didn't impress me either....all 3 of my AR's do better than sub MOA.
I used to be more buy vs build until I had my first one built. Now I am way more build vs buy.

Many of the custom build shops like Piercision Rifles and R Bros Rifles have ready to buy rifles. They build them in the most popular cartridges and stock setups.
I have never bought a completed AR for any caliber from .223-.450. I do different styles of baked on finish, barrel, bolt and triggers configurations. After that the real fun starts making up loads to get them to shoot well. Just finished an AR 10 in 6.5 Creedmoor, at 100 a tack driver any further ? weather went south.
I was thinking of doing a build and was curious what everyone's experience was building versus buying
Build my own. AR 15s and AR 10s . Built many bolt actions over the years. great fun and learn alot. Just get the chamber Correct that I need a gunsmith for . ARs are simple to check head space. there are many places to get parts. Look at precision rifle blog, great site. Great info all over the internet. You don't really Have to spend a lot of loot.
build one but do one you can build yourself and one you can change barrels and cals on watch this vid from proof with a bighorn a or other action and shoulder fit or savage nut system it is easy you can change your barrel at home or range along with cal no sending it out for a 6 month or longer wait.
I generally buy an action and go from there. I want my barrels to be in the 26"+ length. Muzzle brake add depending on caliber and powder charge that I am figuring on using. So I generally get one built than over the counter. Most of the time my shots are under 500yds, beyond that I feel it does make a big different. So I don't have to get the best after market action. I now us 700 actions. I did use for year Mauser actions for my hunting rifles, because of their safety system and carrying a round in the chamber while hunting. Depending on the type safety on the rifle makes weather I carry a round in the chamber or not.
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With respect to either buying versus building a custom AR: there are only a few high end AR's I would buy. Spikes Tactical, Daniel's Defense, LWRC, Black Rain. LWRC being the absolute king of the AR's out of the box. never get a Direct gas impingement when you can get a piston drive system. LWRC and Adam's Arms both offer Piston systems. I have worked with both. I build Custom AR's in my little gunsmith shop. I always ask if they want reliability or lesser expensive. you would be surprised at the looks I get. if they want reliability then I always use Adam's arms or Superlative Arms piston drive kits on my custom AR's. only when they want to save money do I use direct gas impingement.
ask yourself this question: do I want the fun of picking out all my parts, making it almost the exact way I want it and am I willing to pay upwards to $4,500.00 USD for an AR that has everything and all the right parts on it? If not, then buy a reputable brand name and up-grade the base model when you find out which parts you really want/need on the gun. by that time you will have worked with it a bit and will know what parts, what extended levers you need, and how you and your gun need to interface.
Yes that is part of my job. making customer understand what they want and how to get it. The best way to find out what you like and what accessories, levers, and such you want on your AR.. fondle as many AR's as possible with all the cool stuff on them.. make note of the things that make each of the AR's good and bad, then start a list. it will help you pick out the right base model and what to put on or delete from yours.
I just completed my first build. For about $3000 Aussie so around $2000 US

I paid $950 for a Tikka on clearance
$990 for a carbon fibre stock Bolly, made by Precision Defence Industries. Australian made.p
$900 for an IBI Carbon Fibre. barrel

And I have to pay the gunsmith when I collect in a few days, he will be fair . He fitted and chambered the barrel to .280ai.

Uhh, 150 Norma .280ai cases and some Redding dies cost nearly $500, I can't count projectiles but I grabbed a heap of those in 7mm as I run a 7mm-08 too.

So I built a lightweight rifle for about $3000. Alternatives like a Christensen arms Ridgeline would be $4500.
A Proof research barrel would be near on $1500
A McMilan stock could be $1500
A Custom action would start at $1500
That easily takes me over 5k k in Australia.

Building on a Remington or a Tikka. Can be viable pending what you want. I'm settled on That in my price point. I can test the IBI barrel, the Bolly Stock my gunsmith and my skills.

I also bought a Sterk ultralight Bolt shroud $130, I will swap an MTN tactical ultralight bolt handle from another tikka. MTN a NewZealand brand . This is 3D printed from Titanium.

I could be into nearly $4000 when I finish but that's cheaper than any off the shelf custom I've found. It's maybe my one and only build. Sourcing the parts certainly helped getting a quick turn around from the gunsmith and I know him so that helped.
Ridgeline titanium $ 2500.00.... There is money to be saved and the off the shelf guns have come lightyears from where they were just Five years ago.Take a look at the new offerings from Weatherby as an example. Tika/Sako, Howa even..
Between my uncle and I, we've bought 6 rifles on here used from members. They were all custom built by smiths. every Gun has exceeded my expectations. Just wait for a custom build someone is selling that meets your needs and save some money and the wait time. Plus they have a load developed already. My 2 cents.
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