Browning x bolt western hunter 26 nosler

I got a couple boxes of 140 custom target no good for hunting but cheaper than the hunting bullet for brass and will get some rounds through it
I use the Barnes LRX about 50 of the lands with 87.7 gr of us869 and 215m primers. Getting 3/4" groups.
Going to try out some hammer hunters next.
I just ordered the Barnes LRX yesterday and will try them. In the mean time, I emailed Browning and listed all I've tried so far(to no avail) and they said to call them and send it in for review. I can usually reload to a point where all is great, but not sure if I should continue or just send it in??? Thoughts?
Browning's response below:

"If you can give us a call when you have time we can send you a prepaid return label to have the rifle come in for evaluation.

Once our team can evaluate it we will make any corrections needed before testing it again to make sure the issue was corrected.

We can be reached at [HIDDEN] Ext. 2.

Best regards,

Browning Service Department"
Ya I was wondering about that too. I'm sure it will come back with trigger tightened way down Seens how I set it at 2
I have a friend with the the exact same rifle he sighted it in with 140 or 147. He wasn't sure witch a friend got it ready for him he said but claimed they where hitting an eight inch steel target at 700 yards consistently. No way mine could do that.
Ok I had a nice day got some boxes of nosler match grade in 140 gr custom competition because they where available and a little cheaper. Put nine rounds down good clean fresh barrel. Took one shot waited 6 minutes to get back in scope and load. Did this every time exactly. Here was the group numbered each shot so I would know. After the 6th it walked a little.
Get away from the 129ABLR bullet. Very finicky to seating depth. Maybe your rifle doesn't like that bullet at that seating depth.
So, while I've never had a rifle I couldn't dial in, I finally gave up and sent my 26 Nosler Xbolt in to Browning. They couldn't shoot better than a 3" group either. Additionally, they discontinued my model and have no plans to mfg the 26 Nosler! They will let me select a Hell's Canyon in whatever caliber I want, refund my money, or reimburse me should I find a replacement in retail. While disappointed, they are more than willing to work with me.
Was at the LGS the other day and overheard two gentlemen discussing the 26 Nosler - specifically, guns chambered for it. One gentleman had had the Nosler Patriot in 26 Nosler and traded because he could not find a load (commercial load) it liked. So happens he traded into a Browning X-Bolt LR Hunter in 26 Nosler. Sounded to me that to this point he hadn't had any luck finding a load the Browning liked. On the other hand, the 2nd gentleman was professing his love for, and the accuracy of, his Christensen Arms Carbon Classic in 26 Nosler, regardless of what it was fed.

Now, in this case, whether one guy was trying to impress or BS the other I don't know. I would hope that for the money spent, the Christensen would shoot well - hopefully better than the Browning. The difference in cost should at least buy you that.

All that said, the OPs mention of grouping issues with the Browning X-Bolt 26 Nosler doesn't seem to be the first of its kind.
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