Broke stock repair


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2019
I have an anschutz rifle that the stock was broken during shipping, is there anyone that y'all would recommend to repair the stock back to new condition or as near new as possible preferably in middle Tennessee or west Tennessee. It's not a sever break only about a 3/4" break off the toe of the stock


  • IMG_20220113_145707_burst_01.jpg
    232 KB · Views: 82
I have an anschutz rifle that the stock was broken during shipping, is there anyone that y'all would recommend to repair the stock back to new condition or as near new as possible preferably in middle Tennessee or west Tennessee. It's not a sever break only about a 3/4" break off the toe of the stock
I have the chip
I have the chip
That's a really simple repair.

A decent carpenter, cabinet maker or local gunsmith should be more than capable of fixing it for you. Just a bit of glue, very light sanding and polishing back up with paste wax is all it should take.

What concerns me is that it's a flaw in the wood itself and it might be a really good idea to center drill it and put a dowel in to prevent another crack. You can even do that in a decorative manner that makes it an accent.
A little tire bond wood glue. That is a awful clean and even chip. Don't see that too often with wood.


Titebond? Or Elmer's wood glue both work great and any excess can quickly be cleaned off with a wet towel before it dries.

When I was still building Homes and doing Cabinetry we used a ton of both.