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So another option is to consider whacky weed if it is legal in your state. Have hunt/fish buddy that has CLL and couple days ago added prostate cancer. He is in great deal of pain from lymph nodes etc, so just tried some CBD and he felt it helped. He is on pain meds but they screwed him up royally with constipation that was equally painful. Though he did feel buzzed so not driving. Everyone reacts differently to it so maybe a thought. And no he doesn't have craving for brownies!

Had friend that passed from pancreatic cancer and he claimed only way he could function through all the meds.
I understand your concerns about codeine . I've been under care of a pain clinic for a few years now from a botched back surgery and a degenerative neck issue . The thing about codeine or opioids of any kind is, if you feel buzzed , your taking too big a dose . I take just enough to take the edge off the pain. I never feel buzzed . As far as constipation goes, it's about the same.......if you have constipation issues, you are taking too much. You will have SOME issue with that, but its minimal if you just take enough to reduce the pain to a manageable level. I take miralax powder once a week and that keeps me going good enough. All it does is replace the moisture in your intestines that the opiods removes.
The meds are not the big bad wolf the media has sold it as. If you are in control of your own body and don't expect the drugs to completely eliminate your pain , opiods are as good as we have avaliable today for pain management. To be honest, the worse part about taking the meds is the stigma associated with them since the media grabbed hold of the stories of kids overdosing for the buzz .
Wacky weed is another alternative if its legal in your area. Its not legal where I am . If it was, I would look into it as an alternative to opiods. Not as addictive, but from my much younger day, it is more mood altering that opiods taken properly. Ability to control pain ? I'd like to know.
Like it has been stated, don't rush and follow up with therapy. I broke my foot and Subsequent surgery plate and screws Dec. 22, 2020 loading up to get to a morning hunt in. Slowly but surely I have gotten up to a mile every other day. Take it slow and recover and you will be back doing what we all like. Blessings
Am I rushing him ? 🤔
Aw c'mon MM, just think of being a celebrity with over 1M views easily!

Just makes me cringe thinking of it!
I don't want to be the guy that blew his own leg off shooting tannarite in a mower to get a million views.

P. S. My humerus looked like an 'L' when I rolled over with it inside my crutch. Funny thing is it didn't hurt and the 'snap' that I thought was the wooden crutch breaking was my arm. The crutch was fine by the way. Lol.
IS 15MG of CODINE every two hours too much? thats what i am taking daytime. at night i take none from midnight to 8 am. i am still hurting more than i would like to.
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IS 15MG of CODINE every two hours too much? thats what i am taking daytime. at night i take none from midnight to 8 am. i am still hurting more than i would like to.
As long as your not trying to eliminate the pain all together, you are probably ok. If you put it in the stupid scale dr offices like to use, about a 30% reduction in pain is about all you should ask of your meds. You just want to be able to live without a constant cringe on your face . Too much will allow you to do more damage to your shoulder by turning your brain off to any movement that is causing more damage. Pain is just a reaction from thr brain to warn you that there is a problem. Turn that off with meds and you can get yourself in more trouble.
I will add my wishes for a full and speedy recovery, and also reinforce the absolute requirement of following all PT - it has worked for me several times, never easy: know what's the difference between a physical therapist and a terrorist? You can negotiate with a terrorist. Make yourself follow the therapy, it's the shortest route to recovery, good luck hope all goes well and you soon return to shooting.
I feel for you more than I can say , I fell from a ladder Friday and broke my shoulder and hip as well. Sitting in a wheel chair now and first thing I ask the surgeon was when can I start shooting again. It's not going to be for awhile so I'm goi g to be living vicariously through the group .
Hang in there! Here's to fast healing! 🍻
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