Bow Hunter vs Grizzly….Just This Morning

Story framing is the problem for me, the end focuses on this hard dig at delisting only occurring if a senators son or governors son gets hit.

There are a myriad of solid reasons why they need delisting, and even more reasons why the push for reintroduction of predators like wolves, cougars and Grizzly is bad. The least convincing reason is a dude from Georgia ignored the pervasive understanding of healthy bear interactions. With a self identified 300 yard lead, didn't implement any known methods nor made his weapon appropriately ready.

Society does need to re evaluate its relationship with big predators, but not because someone from their own account learned from the school of hard knocks. If a senator or governors son decided to try the "stay silent and be shocked when it goes wrong" method, I'd levy even harder criticism about knowing better.

Every aspect of life has risk, it goes up when you ignore established known norms. Sucks when that lesson is learned with stitches, but jeepers creepers it was a text book way on how to get your arse bit by a bear.
The man was 300 yards from his companion, not 300 yards from the bears when first seen. We don't know what that distance was. If he'd announced himself immediately, he might still have had a problem. Sow with yearlings - she won't fear for her cubs, cause they're big enough to care for themselves. She might initiate a predatory attack to teach them, though. Or she might just object to his presence, no matter what the distance. Many are unacquainted with the bear's olfactory acuity, and they don't mention that on signs. I don't know many bear experts who are so good that they can blame the victim of an attack.
Story framing is the problem for me, the end focuses on this hard dig at delisting only occurring if a senators son or governors son gets hit.

There are a myriad of solid reasons why they need delisting, and even more reasons why the push for reintroduction of predators like wolves, cougars and Grizzly is bad. The least convincing reason is a dude from Georgia ignored the pervasive understanding of healthy bear interactions. With a self identified 300 yard lead, didn't implement any known methods nor made his weapon appropriately ready.

Society does need to re evaluate its relationship with big predators, but not because someone from their own account learned from the school of hard knocks. If a senator or governors son decided to try the "stay silent and be shocked when it goes wrong" method, I'd levy even harder criticism about knowing better.

Every aspect of life has risk, it goes up when you ignore established known norms. Sucks when that lesson is learned with stitches, but jeepers creepers it was a text book way on how to get your arse bit by a bear.
It's, a NON "issue" with, a properly Maintained / Tuned,.. Glock.
The 10 MM is,.. Minimum for, Grizz
Just let him Chew on the Muzzle of your Big 10 Glock, While pulling the trigger,.. SEVERAL times,.. DONE !
No need of, an Old tyme, Revolver,. LOL !
Bet that, Young man, "Up-Grades" to, a 10 MM , Glock, before,. Next Year !
He did and it jammed, 🤔 just kidding!

The circumstances may have caused the jamming like bear juice and hair!

Like mentioned, once he saw bear he was already in deep 💩 . Sometimes the circumstances just snooker you. But in bear country its hard to be 24/7 planning response depending on your spot.
The man was 300 yards from his companion, not 300 yards from the bears when first seen. We don't know what that distance was. If he'd announced himself immediately, he might still have had a problem.
From the article
"As the bears passed about 10 yards in front of him, the female caught his scent and immediately charged. Clement, who was backed up against the rock and had nowhere to go, opened fire."
Try reading the book Mark of the Grizzly it's eye opening for **** sure!! The book goes through each attack and what was done and what could have been done, no two stories are the same. Black bears are more violent and tend to eat you immediately but less chance of attack. I guided years ago for a living and have been rushed buy several bears .
Come on now you're bow hunting moving quietly through the timber, you smell like elk **** and you sound like an elk , 4 things you are presently doing invite you to be dinner. Yep I still do all these things usually buy myself and your in THEIR house
Try reading the book Mark of the Grizzly it's eye opening for **** sure!! The book goes through each attack and what was done and what could have been done, no two stories are the same. Black bears are more violent and tend to eat you immediately but less chance of attack. I guided years ago for a living and have been rushed buy several bears .
Come on now you're bow hunting moving quietly through the timber, you smell like elk **** and you sound like an elk , 4 things you are presently doing invite you to be dinner. Yep I still do all these things usually buy myself and your in THEIR house
You are 100 percent correct. It is easy to look at situation after the fact and say, he should have done this or that. I was in thick willows just below timber line in Hatcher pass and walked up on a grizzly. He was on a gut pile sleeping. I was about 40 yards away. I backed out of that area slowly. That was the closest I have been to a large grizzly. I had a .41 mag revolver and my rifle, but I have never felt so small. I never snuck through that heavy cover again by myself. At the end of the day, I knew what I had done wrong, and was lucky that I did not make headlines.
You are 100 percent correct. It is easy to look at situation after the fact and say, he should have done this or that.
It can happen to anyone, anywhere. Nothing is foolproof, and second guessing may improve self image, but doesn't change reality.

There have been 2 attacks this year of people inside their houses. One kid in a wheelchair, and a woman that had barred her windows due to bear issues, was eaten in her house. He should have stood up big and tall waved his arms and yelled. Critters scream when being eaten doesn't interfere with digestion. The woman was at fault because she had a garden, yet in spite of being notified of a nuisance bear regularly official did nothing.

Bears kicked in doors in both cases.

Being in the wild is an adventure, all adventure has some risk. Mitigate it as well as you think best, with the skills and resources available to you. Then keep in mind not everyone has the same skills, and resources.

Wisdom comes from surviving bad judgement.
My Post WAS meant, as, a "Joke" ( My Dry sense of, Humor ) I don't put,. Cat Nip and Honey on,. My Glock, Guide Rods !
.22's are great for, Rattle Snakes,. NOT,. Bears ( NOT enough,.. Penetration ). Funny, I didn't see any mention of Cart. or, Gun used, in the Article.
( My reading "Skill's, must Be, declining ). NONE of, My 3 Glock's, have EVER,.. "Jammed".
My view on Bears, in Bear Country, IS to, Always, SEE them,.. FIRST ! Most Black Bears, CAN Be, scared Off,. Grizzlies, NOT, so Much !
My Family LIKES to Hunt, on the Central and WEST Sides of, Idaho because,. Blackie's ARE, Way more,.. "Friendly"
Don't think the 22 won't work.