I posted to the provided thread without seeing the age. Here is the fly in the ointment that I have forgotten about. Have no evidence other than word of mouth.

Alex Wheeler said:
And to really stir up the pot :) I'll take a trued Remington over some of the cheaper custom actions. At least the trued Remington will be true.
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I have heard this before. Sort of unsettling. Average guy like me would never know unless had a gunsmith that wanted to point it out and deal with the issue.
I'm really hoping the blueprinted PTG action with their oversized bolt is at least as good as my 700 Police action and 5R. Those were close to, if not, just as tight as any of the customs I've owned.
If it is, I won't be purchasing anything custom anymore.
$550 for a blueprinted M7 action with heavy spiral flutes, aluminum firing pin and a smaller/lighter modified shroud, trigger and bolt handle seems like a steal to me! The only thing I'll miss is the side bolt release, but obviously it's not a deal killer.
I'm really hoping the blueprinted PTG action with their oversized bolt is at least as good as my 700 Police action and 5R. Those were close to, if not, just as tight as any of the customs I've owned.
If it is, I won't be purchasing anything custom anymore.
$550 for a blueprinted M7 action with heavy spiral flutes, aluminum firing pin and a smaller/lighter modified shroud, trigger and bolt handle seems like a steal to me! The only thing I'll miss is the side bolt release, but obviously it's not a deal killer.

That is a cool option. Would be interested in hearing how well they do. I am perfectly satisfied with PTG bottom metal.
If I were building another rifle, I'd start with a Defiance Deviant ultralight hunter with sheep hunter port.
What is the weight difference from the regular Deviant Hunter? I like the mounts vs the continuous rail. I am a big fan of Bighorn but Defiance looks very interesting. I am pulling together parts for a build right now.
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What is the weight difference from the regular Deviant Hunter? I like the mounts vs the continuous rail. I am a big fan of Bighorn but Defiance looks very interesting. I pulling together parts for a build right now.

No idea on the weight, I would guess it would be a few ounces lighter. I like the Defiance because you can get a medium length action that works with up to 3" COAL instead of having to modify the Rem 700 SA.
Here are a few differences between some of their actions, minus the sheep hunter. I can't find the corresponding weights I previously found. These are from another member.

Rebel - Rail is secured to receiver with two pins and 8-40 X 1/4″ screws.

Deviant Tactical - Rail and receiver are all machined from one piece.

Deviant Hunter- Same as Tactical but has weight cut off in the mid section of rail and receiver.

Mutant - Made specifically for the Eliseo RTM/ RTS Chassis System.
If I were to build on a custom, I would build on either a Curtis Axiom or Defiance Deviant.
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I have a Deviant Hunter on my 338 Lapua Build, absolutely love it. Most definitely will buy another from Defiance. Their Customer Service is top notch.
I have sevreal 700 actions that have been blue printed, and I have several stiller, 2 bat actions, and I can promise you if done right you can't tell difference between the 2, and one my 700 is on a F class gun. But good luck .
I've got a few built on blueprinted M700's and several customs. Any more I'll just buy a custom. Blueprinting means many different things to different people, but to really blueprint a remington M700 and bring it up to the standards of a good custom it'll cost more than just buying the custom in the first place. What passes for blueprinting for a lot of gunsmiths is squaring the face of the action and lapping the lugs. Real blueprinting means cutting the receiver threads oversized, squaring the bolt face and lugs, bushing the firing pin hole, plus a host of other things too numerous to mention.
I don't use remington triggers so the trigger included with a M700 action is worthless to me.
BigHorn/Zermatt just released pictures of their "Origin" action and have an introductory pre-order sale going now for $750. Very nice looking action for any application. Swept back bolt, swappable bolt heads, melanite treated receiver and bolt body, dlc coated bolt heads. Very nice price.
BigHorn/Zermatt just released pictures of their "Origin" action and have an introductory pre-order sale going now for $750. Very nice looking action for any application. Swept back bolt, swappable bolt heads, melanite treated receiver and bolt body, dlc coated bolt heads. Very nice price.
That's awesome! Hopefully it doesn't turn into another Curtis Custom fiasco.
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