I have sevreal 700 actions that have been blue printed, and I have several stiller, 2 bat actions, and I can promise you if done right you can't tell difference between the 2, and one my 700 is on a F class gun. But good luck .

I never said you couldn't bring a remington up the standard of good custom actions, just that by the time you do it will cost more than the custom. If you just want to face the action and lap the lugs then it's cheaper and it'll usually shoot very well. However, you run the chance of running into other things like crooked scope mount holes or no primary extraction like I did on my last remington and have to fix that too.

Of course some custom actions aren't up to snuff either. I've been able to avoid that so far but hear stories of it.
There is no way this turns into a Curtis fiasco. BigHorn is already producing the TL3s. I see this action doing very very well at it's price point.
Promised a sweet action (Axiom) at $750 for years, but when it finally came out they jacked up the price over a grand, unless you preordered!
Yeah, I noticed they're like $1100 now when I go to the website... I thought maybe they had discontinued the $750 action or something. I do remember Chase saying that introductory price was $750, but I didn't know they were planning on raising them up that high, after preorder was done.

I still think Chase is a good dude, and I like the Axiom actions (despite not owning one), but I do agree that jumping the price that high could be a turnoff to some.
Yeah, I noticed they're like $1100 now when I go to the website... I thought maybe they had discontinued the $750 action or something. I do remember Chase saying that introductory price was $750, but I didn't know they were planning on raising them up that high, after preorder was done.

I still think Chase is a good dude, and I like the Axiom actions (despite not owning one), but I do agree that jumping the price that high could be a turnoff to some.
In his defense, he said even thought the Axiom wasn't available in a SA mag bolt configuration for preorder, he'd still honor the $750 price. He's an extremely awesome dude with a high level of integrity, but detrimentally optimistic, as most gunsmiths are ;) The deadline kept getting pushed back and I finally broke down and bought a Kimber Montana for last year's hunt after the guaranteed July deadline was missed and I realized I'd be without a rifle otherwise.
I think they've finally become available recently...?
Still bought the PTG, just because I've heard good things and it seems they're pretty good with delivery times... *knock on wood*
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Bighorn just announced the Origin for 750$ preorder until febuary which it will be 825$ after. Seems to be a melonited & DLC'd TL3 with a pinned lug instead of an integral one. ARC just announced the nucleus which can be preordered for 850$ retail 1000$ IIRC.



While there is nothing wrong with a blueprinted 700 or an overdone tikka most of the time by the time you've worked a remington to have the features a custom offers you've dropped similar cash.

If i was considering a factory action i'd look to tikka. Even then though you're looking at 700+ once you add a nice bolt knob, rail, shroud, and lug. The plus is that you can simply buy a spring to get the factory tikka trigger down to 1lb.

My brother actually ordered a T3 lite with the intention of building off it but with Bighorn's announcement of the Origin for 750$ i told him i'd take it off his hands and he could get that. Makes more sense to me.
In his defense, he said even thought the Axiom wasn't available in a SA mag bolt configuration for preorder, he'd still honor the $750 price. He's an extremely awesome dude with a high level of integrity, but detrimentally optimistic, as most gunsmiths are ;) The deadline kept getting pushed back and I finally broke down and bought a Kimber Montana for last year's hunt after I realized I wouldn't have a rifle otherwise.
I think they've finally become available recently...?
Still bought the PTG, just because I've heard good things and it seems they're pretty good with delivery times... *knock on wood*
Absolutely, I like Chase, I've talked with him several times. He was Airborne, so of course he's a good dude who's true to his word. Several of my good friends were Rangers stationed at Ft. Benning.

As for the wait times, you gotta do what you gotta do. That's why I try to keep a safe full of accurate guns that's abilities and purposes overlap... That way if I need one, and the one I'm waiting on isn't done, I'm still covered. As a metal fabricator, I can tell you that things come up, and crap always happens you least expect it to, and when you really really really don't need it to. So, from a machining perspective, I can understand how deadlines sometimes have to get pushed back involuntarily, so I try not to judge too much on that aspect of it, as I've been there and had to deal with that. But if the promised deadlines keep getting pushed back, and pushed back, and pushed back, then I'd start to wonder a little about what's going on, and start thinking about considering a refund (regardless of any item I'm purchasing be-it scope or gun parts).
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