Black Bear hunting!

I agree with Halfdoc and ubettcha. We use cob (corn, oats, barley), and mix syrup in with it as we pour it in the barrel. We get it in 50 lb. bags from the local Co-Op. It already comes sweet, but the sweeter the better. We had 6 different bears hitting it last year and saw that two of them would bed next to a canyon wall near the top of a ridge and work their way down late in the afternoon for a snack. I've tried baiting with lots of stuff but cob is cheap and seems to be pretty effective so it's a win win.
Here is a picture of our set up but with the wrong critter. We sit 220 yards up the ridge on a cliff that overlooks everything and shoot down at a very steep angle. This year I'll be shooting a 300 Win. Mag. with 180g Barnes TTSX.

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Well i handed my moose tag into the draw a few weeks back and i know our party has a pretty good chance at at least one tag and possibly more. I honestly cant wait even though im months a head of myself. I went out and bought a Browning A-Bolt 300. wsm, im trying to work up some loads right now, im saving for a good scope. I have a Bushnell something on it right now and im looking at a Nikon, or Leupold. I would want a Zeiss but cant afford it. I just cant wait

i also have a Browning a- bolt 300wsm with boss and have shot a few bears when caribou hunting in northern Quebec ..the 180 gr.Winchester supreme accubond has always worked well for me ..the bear is the only game i will shoulder shoot ,it nails them on the spot ..don't like to run after wounded bears ,they get realy nasty when wounded ..they also run a lot when shot through the lungs ..

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We have bears like most places have squirrels! no joke, in the spring try and hit open spots, south facing , anything with fresh new greens, grass, dandy lions. They will all including G bears, feed on fresh greens as much as they can, sssooo if they don't allow baiting where you live just hit a few green spots and wait
I went to AK with afriend who bow hunted it for bears for about 15 yrs.He used to keep a "stink" barrel,beavers,fish guts, all rotten. We would fill 1/2 gal milk jugs and pour at bait areas. Bait we collected at local bread and treat outlet, old twinkies,brownies,donuts, pies, etc free.We would unwrap all,then trash compact. This gave you small.but heavier package, we packed bait up or shipped also.Takes alot for 3-6 guys.baited in barrels w/small hole so they had to work at it. Some spots 6 bears hit , others zero, Camp took B&C bear almost every year.Average bear was P&Y. Also would by bulk liguid smoke in bottle,spray bottle. spray trees and trail on way in, very affective. The stink barrel made on of my buddies hurl, he couldnt handle it
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