Bear protection article

Im sure same one.Trap wasnt strapped.No it didnt fall out,soon as bear exit,he not in good mood and warden on trap and he pulled whole works out.Was in paper as news was covering release.Policy changed after that.Somebody find that old video,Junkles study grizz,yellowstone I think.That grizz charges station wagon at full speed,and HEAD BUTTS it.
That was whitehead. I forget his first name. Long ago. A griz is like a teenager. drugged can be a problem lol
Keep in mind if you are going to rely on a pistol practice, practice, practice. The natural tendency is to hold too much front blade when in a hurry. A 900 smith and Wesson is no good if you shoot too high. And in a pistol heavy hard cast flat nosed bullets.
That incident was on the south fork of the Flathead. They had trapped the bear over on the east side by East Glacier. My mother-in-law had talked to the game warden that morning. There was an outdoor writers convention in Kalispell that week and a couple of guys asked if they could go along on the release with their cameras. They followed the pickup pulling the culvert trap. When the warden climbed on the trap he pulled the door up about halfway and the bear stuck his head through and pulled up and jammed the door. As the bear tried to get out and the warden tried to dislodge it the door finally popped up. The bear came out and turned around and just hammered the side of the culvert with a haymaker which knocked the warden off. The warden said "I was already clearing leather on my way to the ground ". As the bear got on him he emptied his .357 magnum into him. He figured it was his last shot that finally killed the bear. He suffered two broken legs. The guys in the pickup behind them were taking pictures, but it happened so fast there was nothing they could do. The pictures were in the October edition of Outdoor Life that year. Don't ask me what year, but if was in the 80s.
I'm to old to buy in at $50+++ Cnd funds for the smallest can of bear spray known to humans...

I can get the largest of large cans of Carb-Cleaner and Bic-Lighter for under $7...

All furry critters fear fire,,, and it will turn them around in their tracks instantly... 35 feet of terror...

I pack each can in my front pouch ready to rock,,, a bear on fire is the best defence known to humans,,, Extra wide birth of flames makes me Grin from ear to ear,,, that and the savings on something that works...

Cheers from the North
Doesn't matter if it's wet or not since 1 small spark will set the spray a fire,,, having it on fire is a benefit,,, but the real defence to brake and Carb-Cleaner is the lack of oxygen and the attack on furry critters immune and cooling system since the air they breath keeps their systems running...

Unlike humans since we loose heat by sweating,,, critters have to do this threw breathing,,, the faintest wiff of a foren spray will turn them around in their tracks...

There is also a liquid fluid that protects our eyes,,, the smallest amount of the above compounds in one's vision is terrifying to to the max... A person not only has to be careful with bear and predator control sprays,,, also carb and brake clean... CCR is definitely the best for long range and can be replaced on a regular basis when needed at a frugal cost... $7 bucks is fairly affordable in my books...

Of course each person gets to pick and choose what works for them... What works for me might not work for others...

I'll stick to what works for me in my budget since I'm not buying in on the limited time use of extra small cans of B spray at $50 bucks in Cnd funds...

Last year or 2 years ago 2 folks got attacked by the same Grizzly 3 times in Central BC,,, the first guy didn't get a chance to deploy his can and the second guy ran out of spray part way into the battle... The Grizzly stepped back to come in on its second attack... He had one small poof of spray to turn the bear around...

He was on his way to pick up his buddies can when the Grizzly jumped him the 3Rd time... Had he not reached that can of spray laying besides his wounded / mulled friend he to would of been a goner...

The Grizzly had him pinned down as he released the spray in a unknown direction in a last stitched effort to save his own life,,, the spray darn near did him in as he struggle to survive breathing... Lucky indeed...Lots of folks know about the Gal up north that lost her and her infant child to a Grizzly Bear attack that I shared on this forum 2 X's if not 3,,, sad day for friends and family...

"""Normally Grizzly Bears are not moving in the beginning / mid stages of winter in the far North,,, but a starving Grizzly Bear kill the both of them...

It was unfortunate that she had nothing to protect her or her infant little girl...

You can PM me as I can share the story with you 1 on 1 if you like,,, my friend shared this with me as it brought me to tears even though Ive seen some awful things happen to humans and critter on the blue planet...

Wize to keep somethings off of public forums...

Any-who,,, pick and choose what works for you as I'll do what works for me and our family and friends up here in our neck of the woods...

Living along the Eastern Slopes of the Rocky Mountains is awesome since its God's country,,, most of the time that is,,, the rare exceptions to this is the furry critters that prey on humans are abundant more than ever these days...

Cheers from the North
I have been in sticky situations with big bears very close. You zone and your mind blocks out anything unnecessary. Cave man fight zone. Survive. A 500 smith zone. Not cigarette lighter and a dam can of spray zone. hahahahaha
I have been in sticky situations with big bears very close. You zone and your mind blocks out anything unnecessary. Cave man fight zone. Survive. A 500 smith zone. Not cigarette lighter and a dam can of spray zone. hahahahaha
But I forgot. Our good socialist friends from the north are not allowed those awful man killing pistols.
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