Better 6mm (not 243W) for hunting? Which one?

A few have already hailed the 6MM Creedmore. I'll add to the list. I have 6MM Rem Mag and I love it. I picked up the 6MM CM from Seekins (Havak Pro) a couple of seasons back. (It's the one shown in my profile pic btw.) I'm not a varmint hunter per se, but once in a while I take out a coyote. I've used this gun on targets, deer, and antelope. There are a few ways to get what you're after. This is one of them for sure.

An additional note . . . last summer I put this 6MM CM to the test on metal with light to moderate wind conditions. I was super impressed. First round hits from 300-1000 yards (100 yard increments) with the exception of 700 yards. Shooter error . . . which accounts for nearly all of my misses! My spotter pushed me to try 1350 yards. So, I had a second round hit at 1350. Then we went a mile. The wind had picked up a little. I missed 4 in a row and then got my dope right. Then I hit 4 in a row and went home pleased. I'm a reloader and I believe in reloading for increased accuracy. However, I've only shot one bullet through this 6MM CM so far. Hornady Match 108 gr. People can say whatever they want about factory ammo, but this gun loves this factory bullet so much that I haven't made a single round for it yet. I probably will but not for the sake of accuracy.

I shot three whitetail does and an antelope buck with this 6MM CM last year. It performed very well. Closest shots were 40 yards, farthest were 210 yards (on the antelope). It performed well. At 40 yards I had some meat splatter on the entry shoulder. I'd recommend lung shots up close or you'll lose some meat. At 210 yards it performed perfectly. I'm sure it will perform at greater distances on animals, but I haven't tried it yet.

Good luck and have fun with this project!
6mm Creedmoor is as an earlier post said easy. Ammo is getting more common on the shelf and Hornady makes some hunting rounds (black box) that are not excessively hot and brass is available from most all producers. I have made clean kills on Axis deer and White tails as well as hogs and other varmints in most every flavor
In my slr and Creed's and 243ai it isn't with 105 or 107 or 108 or 115dtacs. With a lighter bullet it probably is. Plus I throat mine out so the boattail junction is above the donut. I don't doubt you just haven't seen it in mine.

Would you be willing to share velocity data from a ladder test in 6 creed with the 115 dtac and RL26? Just curious how the velocity graph looks. I'm currently running 43.1gr staball for 2950fps, 10 rds ES14 SD 5.9. Mine is throated similar to yours, rebated boat tail sitting just above the donut is .025 off the lands.
Yes it does 100 ttsx in 257 wby. does
also Tribb
Find a minty 722 244. Load it with TTSXs and restock it. You'll be happy.

80 gr TTSX will exceed 3400 and kill anything on your list.

OH gosh lookie here ! 722 + used Hogue cost $600. (scope is worth more)

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Find a minty 722 244. Load it with TTSXs and restock it. You'll be happy.

80 gr TTSX will exceed 3400 and kill anything on your list.

OH gosh lookie here ! 722 + used Hogue cost $600. (scope is worth more)

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6mm that is not boutique? Say by to 6mm creedmoor. Not a barrel burner? Eliminates a lot of rounds that have more "bang". Sounds like 243, 243AI and maybe 6 mm rem. Get a little hotter and you could look at 6-284,6 prc, or how about a 6-06. Going bigger just to load down seems "off" to me. Go for the barrel burners, load them up, have fun and buy a new barrel in 1200 rounds?
My 243 Winchester is long gone. I want another 6mm mid-range variant mainly for hunting and pest elimination. I'm thinking about a 6XC but, I'm uncommitted at this time.

I do not want a true wildcat or barrel burner. I'm not a fan of Short Magnums or 'boutique' cartridges from manufacturers (i.e. Ruger, Nosler, etc.). I don't expect to see velocities with heavier options above 3,000FPS in a 24"~26" barrel. Something that won't excessively heat or otherwise lead to short barrel life (throat erosion / cracking) is important to me. I prefer to stick with something with factory brass if not factory loaded ammunition. I can reload so, something with limited support like a 6x47L is a possibility.

For hunting options, deer mainly but, I intend to take a Pronghorn and possibly a Mountain Goat so, I need something with "legs". Pest elimination is mainly Coyotes and 'feral' domestic dogs but, I do see feral hogs occasionally. Reasonable recoil (i.e. not excessive) with weight on the lighter side (6#~7# no scope) is important as my dominant shoulder has had surgery already and is a bit 'soft'. So with a bit more oomph than a 243 Winchester but, not a barrel burner without excessive recoil, what would you recommend? 6XC, 6 Creedmoor, 6x47L, 6mm Remington or, ...?

6mm GT is very interesting. My next 6mm will be that or a 6x47. Have had a half a dozen 6mm Creedmoor barrels started shooting through a 3 6 BRA barrels midway last year that are super accurate and fun.
I traded for a 6x47L in a Kimber Montana recently. 23"long 8 twist Krieger set-up for 108 Hornady's. I have not tried the rifle with 108's, but am doing load tests with 90 Sierra tipped G.C., 95 Nosler Ballistic tip & 100 Sierra G.C. as soon as they arrive. So far have found a couple promising loads with the 90 Sierra & will do ladder test next time out. Very easy on the shoulder for a featherweight rifle. I have found that it groups better with a bit faster powder when using the 90-95 grain bullets than the typical H4350 that seems popular with the 108's. If the Sierra's or Nosler's do not group consistent enough, I figure the 103 Hornady ELD-X should group very well since barrel was set-up for the 108 ELDM. My plan is similar to O.P. nice deer/antelope/coyote getter.
My 243 Winchester is long gone. I want another 6mm mid-range variant mainly for hunting and pest elimination. I'm thinking about a 6XC but, I'm uncommitted at this time.

I do not want a true wildcat or barrel burner. I'm not a fan of Short Magnums or 'boutique' cartridges from manufacturers (i.e. Ruger, Nosler, etc.). I don't expect to see velocities with heavier options above 3,000FPS in a 24"~26" barrel. Something that won't excessively heat or otherwise lead to short barrel life (throat erosion / cracking) is important to me. I prefer to stick with something with factory brass if not factory loaded ammunition. I can reload so, something with limited support like a 6x47L is a possibility.

For hunting options, deer mainly but, I intend to take a Pronghorn and possibly a Mountain Goat so, I need something with "legs". Pest elimination is mainly Coyotes and 'feral' domestic dogs but, I do see feral hogs occasionally. Reasonable recoil (i.e. not excessive) with weight on the lighter side (6#~7# no scope) is important as my dominant shoulder has had surgery already and is a bit 'soft'. So with a bit more oomph than a 243 Winchester but, not a barrel burner without excessive recoil, what would you recommend? 6XC, 6 Creedmoor, 6x47L, 6mm Remington or, ...?

You just described a standard .243 perfectly it will do all the things you're wanting it to do with class and you can find quality factory. ammo anywhere that sales ammo.
My 243 Winchester is long gone. I want another 6mm mid-range variant mainly for hunting and pest elimination. I'm thinking about a 6XC but, I'm uncommitted at this time.

I do not want a true wildcat or barrel burner. I'm not a fan of Short Magnums or 'boutique' cartridges from manufacturers (i.e. Ruger, Nosler, etc.). I don't expect to see velocities with heavier options above 3,000FPS in a 24"~26" barrel. Something that won't excessively heat or otherwise lead to short barrel life (throat erosion / cracking) is important to me. I prefer to stick with something with factory brass if not factory loaded ammunition. I can reload so, something with limited support like a 6x47L is a possibility.

For hunting options, deer mainly but, I intend to take a Pronghorn and possibly a Mountain Goat so, I need something with "legs". Pest elimination is mainly Coyotes and 'feral' domestic dogs but, I do see feral hogs occasionally. Reasonable recoil (i.e. not excessive) with weight on the lighter side (6#~7# no scope) is important as my dominant shoulder has had surgery already and is a bit 'soft'. So with a bit more oomph than a 243 Winchester but, not a barrel burner without excessive recoil, what would you recommend? 6XC, 6 Creedmoor, 6x47L, 6mm Remington or, ...?

Id get a 6.5 creedmoor with a brake
Plenty to kill with and very pleasant to shoot
Ammo is plentiful and reasonable
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