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Best place to hunt long range?

As ScottB mentioned a few posts ago, Prairie Dog shoots are a real kick for those hooked on long ranges and sending up red clouds with a hit on a 9" target. I try to do 3 or 4 a year either in West Tx or NM along with a buddy shoot every year in Eastern Montana. There's several good groups that organize competitive shoots with the members being former scout snipers and/or fed's from the tactical services. Can't start to tell you the fun and competition when we get that bunch together for 4 or 5 hundred shots a day. Lot's of laughs, friendly wagering and evening activities. Currently building a 24lb 300 Jarrett for those long, long shots in the wind.

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Pick a state in the great Pacific Northwest and go. Oregon, Idaho, Washington Montana, Wyoming. You get the picture. Just figure out what species you want to kill and get after it. For a real good time shooting long range, go to Montana in early June and shoot Prarie dogs. More fun than you can imagine. :D
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