Here's one that my dad made about 30 years ago.
We still farmed then and anytime I saw a coyote I'd run to tell him so he could shoot it.
So, spotted one while being the heathen that I was at that age and ran back to the house to tell him. He grabs his .270 and into the farm truck we go.
First shot is broad side at 100 yards or so…miss. Two more follow with the song dog really stretching it out at this point, both misses as well. Hope back into the truck and book it to the edge of the wheat filed and run parallel to it until we are even with the yote. He maxes out the range in the scope on the gun (lord only knows how close that was), lays across the hood and shoots the last round in the gun. We see it splash in front of the yote, he cuts hard left goes 15 yards and falls over.
After we mark the spot with a bucket we go grab a yard wheel from the shop and ride to the yote because he wanted to see how far it was. 540 yards. The bullet went between the yote's legs and clipped him enough in the chest to drop him.
My dad says it was skill, I think not after the broad side miss at 100…