Best long range mountain rifle with box magazine?

lol, I sold my Browning Mountain Ti 300 wsm and am replacing it with a 7 mm Rem Mag. I loved my 300 wsm, just didn't have the range capabilities as the 7mm, if it did I never would have sold it. Was fun while it lasted! :)

Can't wait to start shooting at 1,000 yard targets.

LOL. Too bad you didn't know what you had. The 300 WSM is a very accurate cartridge and can do every thing more accurately with easier loading in a short action and no belt pushing a 20+ Gr heaver bullet. But what they hey right.
Matt Kline Shoots 2.815″ Record at 1000 Yards with 300 WSM « Daily Bulletin
LOL. Too bad you didn't know what you had. The 300 WSM is a very accurate cartridge and can do every thing more accurately with easier loading in a short action and no belt pushing a 20+ Gr heaver bullet. But what they hey right.
Matt Kline Shoots 2.815″ Record at 1000 Yards with 300 WSM « Daily Bulletin

I would have to agree with you there, my Mountain Ti was definitely a tack driver, no doubt about that, However...................

I wanted a rifle that was a tack driver that had Higher velocity and energy, enough to certainly kill elk at 1,000 yards, I am not a target shooter, I am a meat hunter. Also I do not hand load and only buy Ammo off the shelf.

7mm Remington Mag Nosler 168 Gr. Trophy Grade (Long Range) ABLR:
Yards - Velocity - Energy
800 - 1851 - 1278

300 WSM Nosler 180 Grain Trophy Grade Accubond:
Yards - Velocity - Energy
800 - 1621 - 1050

Hence the switch! gun)

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