Best long range mountain rifle with box magazine?

my huntint bud has a Sako Finlight 300 win mag with 5-25 swaro.He has it shooting well to 1000,can just dial it that far with 200 zero.Work well for him and preforms well for a stock rifle.
if you are willing to "pay for it" then what is your budget? what is your "weight limit" do you reload or do you want to only shoot factory ammo? sounds like you want to reload and shoot some 180s (which is a good idea). i would look in the classifieds and pick up a rifle with a dbm. with a 5 round mag, they don't hang out too far. with that there will be lots more choices than going with a flush factory mag. or even get a nice rifle with a std hing floorplate and then put some bottom metal on it later
Cooper rifles in stevensville montana. Rifle will run 2-3k depending on how pretty you want it, but they wont have a "box" mag.
Many of them do have box mags. The problem will be finding one that's light weight in 7 mag. A 52 Jackson Hunter with flutes will get you close to the 7 lb mark, probably 7-1/4.

Sako Finnlight wouldn't be bad either.

The Cooper will be a 1/2 MOA gun or better with hand loads, the Sako shouldn't have a problem getting under 1 MOA.
The xbolt line up have proven to be very good..
Coming from a guy that also owns sako and tikkas
the Tikka CTR in .260 weighs 7.5lbs, medium weight 20" barrel, 10rd detachable box mag (probably overkill). Add a lighter weight scope and it might not be too heavy (this is relative I know). I just picked up mine yesterday. :)
I have a factory browning A-bolt and a factory winchester M70, both shoot under 1/2 MOA with hand loads.
Buy a Rem 700, spend your money on a good trigger and aftermarket stock with aluminum bedding block. Take your time and figure out what you really want in a light weight rifle. Going to light or heavy on a rifle has put many in the for sale section. There is always a happy medium.
I have one of the cabelas sako a7 long range in 300wm. With a zeiss 5-25 conquest hd5. It has a heavy fluted barrel, and shoots lights out. The 7mm may be different but the 300 doesn't have enough room in the magazine to pull an accubond out to the lands. I'm still trying to work up a load for mag length cartriges. Love the gun. Just shooting single shot right now.
I really enjoy my Browning Mountain Ti 300wsm Huskemaw combo. A serious tack driver and the total weight is around 7.2 lbs. and a complete pleasure to pack.
"Browning Mountain TI". We have a winner. Good shooter and light. Should meet all your requirements. Good luck!
You said no Savages. My Savage long range hunter in 7mm is absolutely fantastic... It has a "heavy sporter" barrel which is a great blend of lighter weight and stiffness. Karsten cheek piece and muzzle break included, No box magazine however. Mine with hand loaded 168 gr Bergers are a great combo.

Good luck
+1. A 300 WSM in an accurate ligher weight rifle is a very tuff combo to beat. I have 300 WSM it has replaced a 7RM for me .

lol, I sold my Browning Mountain Ti 300 wsm and am replacing it with a 7 mm Rem Mag. I loved my 300 wsm, just didn't have the range capabilities as the 7mm, if it did I never would have sold it. Was fun while it lasted! :)

Can't wait to start shooting at 1,000 yard targets.
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