Best Elk Bullet...

As I hit enter and let this thread go, I'm simultaneously taking cover under my desk the way they taught us in grade school in case we got nuked by the Russians!

Seriously, I've used the search function and found tons of helpful info but new technology and bullet offerings drop nearly every week and I'm wanting the most recent opinion of those here who shoot elk on the regular.

I was very fortunate to draw what for me will be a bucket list elk tag in NM this year and I'm likely over thinking this for that reason, but here goes...

Ill be using my customized 300WM M700 w/Bartlein 10t bbl. I was told to expect shots from 50 to 500yds, with 150 to 250 being the most common and elevation ranging from 6500' to 11000'. The rifle shoots the 215 Berger amazingly well with regular fist sized groups @ 1000yds. Will the Berger be a liability under 200yds? I've also started load development with the 181 Sledge Hammers getting sub-moa results on the first outing but worry about its performance if I need to get close to my self imposed max range of 500yds.
I've killed one cow elk about 10 years ago and used a 7RM with 160 Accubonds and a perfect boiler room shot sent her running up the mountain with my only follow up being a texas heart shot stopping her immediately on impact (go figure).

I guess what I'm asking is for the people who hunt/shoot elk the way I do deer, if you get the same opportunity, what bullet are you shooting and why?
I have killed elk every year for the past 12, .308 calibers (.300WM, .300 Ultra, and now 30 Nosler) and 7 years ago switched to the 210 Berger VLD. I used to worry about having to track and wait for the elk to go down after one shot. I understand shot placement and it's effects, however, once I switched to the Berger i have only had one go 30 yards before expiring. And that was my .300WM at slightly over 250 yds. The terminal performance with these bullets are far superior that any others I have used, namely partitions, Accubond, and ELD. Last year I did encounter a shot that made a pass through because of a poorly placed shot too low at such a close distance. Looking fwd to the hammer bullets also!!!
It's amazing how much time we spend building these amazing sniper rifles for hunting, then ponder shots/bullets most likely within 250 yards! Heck, I once shot a running Bull Moose in Alberta Canada on the last day of the hunt, off-hand using my sling at 400 yards with a factory Colt Light Rifle in 300 Winchester Mag, using Winchester factory 180 grain Fail-Safe ammo. 1 shot and right into the heart! This is true. Furthermore my 3-9 Leupold scope was set at 4X as there was no time to change anything. The bull in a clear-cut was pushing/following cows into the timber and would be gone in seconds. Everything felt right and I figured a hit or clean miss. My guide was impressed with the luckiest shot of my life. Although I've shot successfully longer at game using a pack as a rest, 400 yards is long range for me when hunting. I know some of you here shoot game at 1,200 yards with your impressive rifles, but I got a kick when 250 yards was mentioned. I've shot elk 175 to 250 yards with a 338 Winchester and found the 250 Nosler Partition devastating. On elk out to a possible 500 yards I would consider Federals recent Edge TLR bullet. Even their TBT, which is very accurate in many of my rifles. If I had to shoot un-leaded I like Federals Trophy Copper. But the hunting bullet to end all bullets and is seemingly being ignored by everyone, because I think new technology is feared (just like Berger VLD was when it first came out) and can cause money/profit loss, is DRT. When I spoke to them about their frangible hunting bullet video of a 243 Win dropping a cow elk instantly, I was told they had also had shot a big bull elk at 400 yards with the same 1 shot 95 grain DRT bullet! I would think the DRT 30 caliber 150 and 175 grain bullets would knock the stuffing out of elk from 1 to 500 yards!
Never shot at or seen an elk yet in the wild. But I would for sure be looking at the Nosler partitions . They are just a tough reliable bullet. Shot placement as previously stated is paramount.
I've personally seen what the itty bitty 60 gr Nosler partition from a 223 does to bigger whitetail deer and it is lung jello for sure. Only ever recovered one it was dead centered through a 3 1/2 yr old bucks shoulders. The bullet was just under the hide and perfectly mushroomed the rear half as it should be and the front was demolished. Dead deer within 4or 5 feet . We have a very high allowance of doe tags here and my two sons fill the freezer every year. Seen lots of different bullet results even Berger's from the 7 mm and they all have done their part when bullet placement is first and foremost.
Good luck.The bullet your gun shoots great now will be more than enough for sure
300 wm 210 vld. 800 yds to 10 yds= dead...
7mm 168 vld 1062 yds to 10 yds = we having steak tonight!
Vld only shot is broad side... no frontal or quarter away.
I've killed elk with my 300WSM using Nosler Ballistic tips (60yds-600yds), Sierra Tipped Match kings out to 773yds, Berger VLD's about 700yds, and 150 gr. Hornady SST's out of my 308. I know a guy that uses a 55 grain tipped SMK in 223. Seriously.
Based on my experiences, the hoopla about using a cannon with a monster tuff bullet is marketing. It's the 9mm vs 45 acp debate that will rage until we start using laser blasters. As long as you hit the lungs, punch the diaphragm, the ensuing hemo-pneumo-thorax will kill the animal. Heart shots make em stop a bit sooner. Monster big tuff bullets will never compensate for lack of marksmanship. Use whatever shoots accurately in your rifle and you will do fine. Good luck on your hunt. Now let the lecturing, condescending attacks begin in 3.....2......1......
I've killed elk with my 300WSM using Nosler Ballistic tips (60yds-600yds), Sierra Tipped Match kings out to 773yds, Berger VLD's about 700yds, and 150 gr. Hornady SST's out of my 308. I know a guy that uses a 55 grain tipped SMK in 223. Seriously.
Based on my experiences, the hoopla about using a cannon with a monster tuff bullet is marketing. It's the 9mm vs 45 acp debate that will rage until we start using laser blasters. As long as you hit the lungs, punch the diaphragm, the ensuing hemo-pneumo-thorax will kill the animal. Heart shots make em stop a bit sooner. Monster big tuff bullets will never compensate for lack of marksmanship. Use whatever shoots accurately in your rifle and you will do fine. Good luck on your hunt. Now let the lecturing, condescending attacks begin in 3.....2......1......

I think your point is clear, placement is key, but there is a limit to smallness. The .223 isn't legal here in CO. I have never seen an animal hit thru heart or double lunged and not go down.
I shot last year's elk at 370yards with a 7mm 140 grain E-tip that left the muzzle at 2,780 fps. Went clean through her, quartering slightly away. She dropped pretty quickly after going 20-30 yards.
Don't know why a bigger E-tip going faster wouldn't do the same thing...
Accubond Long Range 129gr, 142gr, 150gr, 168gr, 190gr it doesn't matter they will all do the job. Haven't had to track an animal since they came out all DRT from 50-700+ yards, pigs to whitetail to muleys to elk it just kills, period.
As I hit enter and let this thread go, I'm simultaneously taking cover under my desk the way they taught us in grade school in case we got nuked by the Russians!

Seriously, I've used the search function and found tons of helpful info but new technology and bullet offerings drop nearly every week and I'm wanting the most recent opinion of those here who shoot elk on the regular.

I was very fortunate to draw what for me will be a bucket list elk tag in NM this year and I'm likely over thinking this for that reason, but here goes...

Ill be using my customized 300WM M700 w/Bartlein 10t bbl. I was told to expect shots from 50 to 500yds, with 150 to 250 being the most common and elevation ranging from 6500' to 11000'. The rifle shoots the 215 Berger amazingly well with regular fist sized groups @ 1000yds. Will the Berger be a liability under 200yds? I've also started load development with the 181 Sledge Hammers getting sub-moa results on the first outing but worry about its performance if I need to get close to my self imposed max range of 500yds.
I've killed one cow elk about 10 years ago and used a 7RM with 160 Accubonds and a perfect boiler room shot sent her running up the mountain with my only follow up being a texas heart shot stopping her immediately on impact (go figure).

I guess what I'm asking is for the people who hunt/shoot elk the way I do deer, if you get the same opportunity, what bullet are you shooting and why?
I've used the Barnes 180gr TSX for years with perfect one shot kills from 50 to 690 yds with a 30-378. All pass through shots and great blood trails with none being longer than 50yds. I've recently order the 181 Hammer Hunters and plan on doing load development this weekend. After several discussions with Steve, I'm confident I'll be happy with the accuracy and will give a report on terminal performance the second week of November.
Best of luck and look forward to hearing about what you go with and your results.
180, 200, or 220 grain Nosler Partitions would be my choice.
My 300 shoots 3/4 MOA with 220 Partitions and nearly as good with 180's and 200's.
In my opinion how the bullet performs after it hits the game is very very important.
Opinions are like A-Holes everybody has one ! 168 -180 grain Barnes TTSX , if he is out of position and you have these you will thank God ! They don't blow up and have shot them from end to end of critters even out of my old slow 06 ! JMO
I'd go for partition bullets like Nosler or those with a heavier jacket AND an internal cannelure like Hornady ELD-X bullets.

The heavier jacket delays bullet breakup for weight retention and partitions or internal cannelure both for weight retention.

Eric B.
My first elk was killed with a 270 wsm 150 vld,which did the job no questions asked, BUT it was also my last vld in an elk. 118 yards Not 1 drop of blood but dead within 50 yds. Personally Berger's are perfect,for the perfect opportunity, broadside, feeding, unaware tv shot,that I never seem to get. The last 4 have fell to Accubonds. True hunting bullet for realistic opportunities. 300 180 at 3130 took 3 from 7ft ,230,313yds quartering to,away and broadside. 270 140 took last on at 404 slightly angling towards. All fell within sight,all bullets found on off side under hide except the 230yd shot.,all weigh between 61 an 63 percent of original. Best choice for ALL possibilities. Take the accubond out,bring the meat back, best of luck with your choice and hunt.
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