Best Elk Bullet...

Bonded bullets for hunting especially elk. Such as accubonds, scirocco 2, barnes, or the new federal edge tlr. My family and friends have used barnes tsx and ttsx for a long time and they work great. Best accuracy, performance and retention when elk hunting. Barnes also has the newer lrx with improved BC they just take a little faster twist to stabilize the longer heavier bullets. The only complaint with barnes is the copper fouling, but ive found wipe out to clean that up nicely. Recently we've made the switch to the new federal edge tlr because of the proven expansion and retention from close rangr all the way to 8-900 yards. Not to mention the bonded lead core which makes for less copper fouling in the barrel. In the end you have to shoot what works in you rifle. In my .243 i tried all of the above and the ttsx was the winner. With my 7mm stw I now use the edge tlr. View attachment 148054 View attachment 148053 View attachment 148052
Latest picture is from my latest bull at 60 yards right in the heart quartering towards me found the edge tlr in the hide on the backside and a perfect mushroom with nice retention.


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While there are many good bullets I do like the all copper offerings. I use the Barnes TTSX 225 in my .338 RUM. If I needed more distance I would try the TTSX Long Range. This has been a proven bullet design, not that the Bergers aren't. Probably preference at this point. My dad had gone to Bergers in this same rifle but never got a chance to put one in an animal. They shot very well, though.
7mm RM 162gr/175r Hornady ELD-X.
308 Win 178gr Hornady ELD-X.
7mm RM 162gr Hornady SST.
7mm RM 162gr Hornady Interlock.
7mm RM 160gr Speer GS.

Because I've never lost a deer or elk or bear or hog.
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