I have no experience yet. From what I'm seeing in doing as much research and asking around as I can it seems like it really is a sweet spot for the quarter bore and a meaningful improvement over the straight 25-06 both in performance and especially case life. And I hate trimming!
I do have experience with the 257 weatherby and holy smokes what a blast (pun intended) that gun is!!!! So much fun, just awesome.
I was originally wanting to do a 25-300 weatherby off this big 32 inch barrel. The .25-06 is positively tame, practical in comparison haha. A part of me still just wants to drag race with the full length belted magnum but I honestly anticipate it might be disappointing in how little it gains over this 25-06 ai and for once in my life I just might listen to those who have gone before me and not need to find out for myself….or not….
What barrel length do you run yours with?