Berger Gen 2 ELR testing

We were shooting at 3700 feet and our target was 5900 feet. Looking at the ballistic solution and the actual number of moa used I believe we were in the 1020-1030 fps range on impact putting it under the wire so to speak. They stay super sonic so long it is hard to test them after transition with drops of 110 moa and more. I am working on a better way to do that though.:D
I've always thought this looked like a good solution to the excessive drop problem:

Going with steeper bases (45+ MOA) is one way to maximize the adjustment of a conventional scope that has ~100 MOA of travel. But if you need more than 100 MOA, eventually you need to sacrifice the ability to zero at close range.


Can you share your load data with me? I'd like to try these in the Edge you built me.


If you search "300 gr Berger Hybrid Gen 2" you will find the original post with all of the testing info, however the load I settled with was 92.0 gr h1000, cci250, -.005" off lands.
Found it, thanks! I'll give that load a try. It's basically the same load I use with the SMK's.

When are you going to be back in the shop? I tried to call the other day.
When will you be revealing more details about the adjustable bases.
It is a very special application for the few people shooting past 2000 yards, not a terribly high demand item.

Not yet anyways. Shooting past 2,000 yards sounds fun if a shooting system is available that is consistently capable at that distance. I predict you'll sell more as the years go on than less.

My $0.02.

With the 300 Gen 2 bullet @ 2835 fps out of a standard Edge with a 40 moa base you can direct dial to 2200+ yards. The issue we are having is how to get to 2500+ and still be able to use a 100 yard zero some how. When you need 110 moa from 100 to 2578 yards I had to dial everyting the scope had + 18 moa in the reticle and I hate holding that far over it screws with what my eye likes to see for a sight picture. I have a couple of ideas running around in my head.lightbulb
What velocities are you seeing out of the edge+p and when will we be getting some more info on that round? We've have been waiting for quite a while now.
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