Brush buster: Since this is your thread, if you consider this next question a hijack, please say so, and I will remove the post--but I think the question is not too far out in left field because it involves the same caliber and bullet we are discussing:
Let's say I measure the COAL of the Berger factory 215 grain ammo. Then let us further say that I shoot it and have the good luck that it is perfect for my rifle.
Now, regardless of who makes the brass for Berger, I full-length resize the brass and load the Berger bullets to a depth sufficient to achieve the exact same COAL. Can I then say that I have chosen the exactly correct bullet seating depth?
(I realize that I have not duplicated the powder charge or the primer, and those variables might or might not affect velocity and accuracy--my question relates to proper COAL for that rifle.)
Thanks very much,