Bears are scary fast, and even faster when their adrenaline switch gets flipped. Situational awareness is a must when in bear country. I do not however agree on the bear spray. I live butt deep in grizzly country, and yes, we do have bear spray that comes along on every trip. However, herein lies my issue with bear spray. If you've ever attempted to deploy bear spray in a charge you know EXACTLY where I'm going with this. My 629 will skin from my Bianchi cyclone 110 one heck of a lot faster than bear spray will come out of its pouch, and it has no safety to fumble with! That 44Mag is also oblivious to wind at spitting distance...bear spray, is not. If you're friend had no time to even touch his 29, then the bear was danger close without detection, which happens to more than one hunter. Nothing would have made a difference at that distance, especially spray. If we have an encounter and time permits, one of us goes for the spray. The other is on a bangstick immediately, regardless of use of spray or not. And they stay on it until the threat is long gone.
The key is to be aware, and predator wary when approaching danger areas. Defilade, or heavily vegetated areas etc. My family members never hunt alone. Whomever is hunting concentrates on the stalk and prey. Whomever is security concentrates on immediate surroundings 360°, nothing else. When game is on the ground one skins while the other pulls security with gun in hand. Wide open areas are a little different, but in dense areas constant security is a must. The ground bears can cover at a full run is phenomenal! The practice has served us well, with zero scars to prove it