Bear long time comming

Nice bear and write up. My question is how did he taste?:D
It seems it is very hard to prepare bear, you cut and whittle for hours to get the fat off and then have very little edible meat left.I jerkyed all of it and with enough seasoning it taste just like any other jerky. I honestly cannot tell a difference between the bear, deer, or elk that I have made into jerky, it's all good.
Mine had no fat on it at all. Took saw and cut roast out, steaks and took scraps and made into hamburger. Took 1.5 hrs start to finish, bagged and frozen
I could cut off large peices of pure fat the looked like Halibut steaks. This is part of the backstrap


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Got him back from the taxidermist today and also had the good fortune of dropping my sons bear off as well. My son took a great little bear a few weeks ago that has a coat and color unlike anything I have ever seen, a very deep chocholate/gray color with really thick and long fur, neither bears have any bald spots. First two pics are mine and the next three are of my sons, we have a lot of pics before the shot but very few after. Both bears were taken with a 325WSM at closer ranges 90 yards and about 25 yards, the first one took three shots before he stopped getting up the second took 1 and it was lights out. My son took this one in SE Alaska the first day of hunting, it turned out to be the best legal black bear we saw the entire time. Had a close call with a large Brownie that I will post up sometime this week.


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Sorry for the lousy atatchments something is not playing nice between my PC and my phone.
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