With my equipment, & ranges I feel comfy shooting critters, & the game I hunt, I kinda hit the wall at 6-800yds.
I practice farther, sure. But in all reality, I try to err on the safe side.
When I add up my max range for my personal ability, & equipment, then factor in the ol' 1500 ish ft lbs, & 1800 ish fps its plain as day to me where they all come together.
Sure I could use a higher BC bullet, but I err on the safe side with a bullet that has the terminal performance I expect, & prefer. I do give up some in the B.C. department, sure, but for the range I am shooting, the higher BC options don't appeal as much, for my prefered, or expected terminal performance. Ya I shoot boattails vs flat base, & tipped vs protected point, or soft point, but it all fits in what I expect for performance in my personal set of self imposed petamaters.
I think, in my world, that the minimum range I may shoot is equally as important as the longest range I may shoot, & I try my best to pick a bullet accordingly. Super high, butt kickin, B.C. or not. What if I don't get that magical perfect broadside shot? Im not advocating poor shots, or poor shot placement, but I have, & will take qusrteting to, & away shots if I'm comfortable with the situation at hand. Higher BC can be a help in shotplacement, but its not what I'm comfortable with terminal performance wise on those severe quartering shots. So for me, I pic a higher BC but not the highest, for shot placement, & bullet construction for all shots near to far (the best of both worlds according to my personal preferance & hunting style anyway).
Someday, when I have a Long Range Only rig built, I may re consider my bullet selection for that specific rig. But for my allround packer/hunting rig, I realise my limmits, personally, & equipment limmitations. B.C. while very important, isn't the only thing I consider when choosing a bullet.
Great post Rich.