Autotrickler v4

I ordered a V4 from Adam in early April. Just checked his web site and it should ship in a couple of weeks. Can't wait to get my hands on it. One of the BRRC members has already gotten his and can't say enough good things about it.

There will always be improvements made to most all the rifles and accessory equipment we use in reloading. The Super Trickler will likely be part of the evolution and Adam will likely come up with a V5 as he gets feedback on the V4. Competition spurs innovation and we are the recipients. It doesn't get much better than this.
Just received my V4 today. Ordered back when it was released, not a conversion from a V3 order.
Extremely easy to set up. Was trickling H1000 in 15 mins. to .02/gn. in 20 sec interval. No shimming yet.
Love it so far.
The super trickler looks interesting but it's not here yet. I was so tired of under throwing on my RCBS and trickling up to weight with my Dandy. The clean out of the V4 was a little frustrating as the kernels get stuck under the bottom rim of the bottle but still much quicker than the RCBS. Going to try and sand a bevel or maybe expoy and sand smooth.
So far it was worth the wait.
Yea, but there are $300 scales that get the job done. I can press the trickle button.

I do prefer the raw speed of a dispenser though.
You don't have to agree with my decision, but rebutting my logic in making that decision by ignoring the criteria I used is silly. I don't want to push buttons or trickle or do anything other than take the the cup off the scale and dump it into the funnel, ergo your $300 scale and trickle button won't get the job done for me. It obviously works for you, awesome, but it doesn't meet my criteria. The Autocharge sitting on my shelf isn't there because I was thrilled with what it was doing for me.

If I said that you don't even need the $300 scale and trickle button because Lee dippers get the job done would that make any sense?
You don't have to agree with my decision, but rebutting my logic in making that decision by ignoring the criteria I used is silly. I don't want to push buttons or trickle or do anything other than take the the cup off the scale and dump it into the funnel, ergo your $300 scale and trickle button won't get the job done for me. It obviously works for you, awesome, but it doesn't meet my criteria. The Autocharge sitting on my shelf isn't there because I was thrilled with what it was doing for me.

If I said that you don't even need the $300 scale and trickle button because Lee dippers get the job done would that make any sense?
Your decision is for you. I would never second guess your decision. I'm not disagreeing with your logic either, I'm wondering how folks think that compares. At this point, I'll probably get the fx120i first and grab a V4 or V5 later.

I'm just trying to get a value in my own head for all this. That said, it is nice to have something spit out powder faster than I can fill a case without me touching it!
I bought a FX120i with auto trickler a few years ago when it was on sale and really love it. Loads the powder to around .002 in about 12 seconds! best decision I ever made!
I'm a little late to the party on this one, but need to put in a good word for the Autotrickler v4 and Adam. I was one of the first to receive the production version, I had a V3 conversion order. While I never had any sort of auto powder feeder, I did have an AD 120 scale, so I was able to load my first rounds within minutes of receiving the shipment from Adam. Since then I have loaded over 1k rounds with both fine ball powder and various stick powders. I am an ardent supporter of automation (no matter which product you use) to save time and for the sake of safety. Ladders are a breeze, I use this not only for my precision bolt guns, but now for my precision heavy AR .223 rounds and my pistol ladder tests. Most of you were sold on automation a long time ago, I was avoiding loading high load counts with my manual trickler, this has been a true game changer for me.

Thank you Adam!
We have a V-4 on the way. Wanted a Prometheus, but the cost's associated and need to change powder plates made the V-4 more affordable.
I see some mention of the V-5 coming out on this thread. Is this just speculation on someone's part or is the V-5 model in progress without even the v-4 orders filled?
I think it's speculation and that "V5" was thrown out to imply that Adam isn't done innovating in this space. Area 419's pending release could offer something unique, and if it does the other manufacturers will move to match capabilities. The V4 was a complete redesign and big leap forward compared to the V3, I would think the next version would be more incremental improvements like the V1-V3 series was.
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