Arrowhead No Size 45cal XLD NSR Bullets

Thanks to both Bill and George for their kindness in assisting this computer dunce. I find it symbolic of the quality of the membership of this community.
Arrowhead Muzzleloader from Luke. Rem SS 700 action, 26 inch heavy contour (#17) Brux 1-20 twist stainless barrel, AGC Gladius Desert Night stock. Trigger Tech Diamond trigger topped with a Leupold VX5HD 3-15x44 CDS Firedot Scope. Hawkins Ultralight Tactical Rings atop Luke's new design 20MOA base. Rifle comes in a little under 14 lbs.. it really is a helluva gun and more accurate than my group shows.
Arrowhead Muzzleloader from Luke. Rem SS 700 action, 26 inch heavy contour (#17) Brux 1-20 twist stainless barrel, AGC Gladius Desert Night stock. Trigger Tech Diamond trigger topped with a Leupold VX5HD 3-15x44 CDS Firedot Scope. Hawkins Ultralight Tactical Rings atop Luke's new design 20MOA base. Rifle comes in a little under 14 lbs.. it really is a helluva gun and more accurate than my group shows.
Nice! I am a bit surprised it's that heavy but that's all good. For Utah laws I cant use smokeless powder but that's really the only law holding me back on having a sweet one built. Thanks for the reply, I will check out arrowhead
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