ARC Mbrace rings


Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2005
Have any of you guys tried the newer models with the ridges inside the rings? Most arc rings I've used were all smooth inside so just curious about leaving ring marks and clamping surface. Most rings I've used that have had ridges always leaves faint ring marks or at the least some color variation.
Not really sure, it's the first time I've seen or heard of it. Called them earlier today and a lady told me they're doing all the newer ones that way and it's the way the industry is headed. I like the smooth rings personally.
Just put a set on last week made like this. Hopefully I can weigh in on what it does to scope tube this weekend as I was in a hurry and didn't get my crosshair quite plumb.
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I have several sets of the M10 and the M-brace rings. I can't tell you if the leave marks, because they never come off once mounted in the rings.
I've always had great luck out of ARC as well and they've never left a scratch. That said I've never had the ones with ridges, guess we'll see.
I am pretty sure the pair I mounted up had them, I would call the reliefs not ridges. Torqued to the 55lbs and removed because I wanted to go lower, zero marks as always. Not my 1st pair, but the 1st with the reliefs in them. Never a mark in my experience

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