Well-Known Member
Com on Tres, you know the rules.... Post em up!
I still don't have a proper camera, but I did upgrade my cell phone today- it seems to have a really decent camera in it so I'll get some pictures up of my poor boy special.
Mean while get this-
.270-7mm-300Win mag!!!!!!!!
.270-7mm-300 Winchester Magnum! - Sniper's Hide Forums
I know that 77grn of H1000 is pretty hot for my 7-300 using 180 bergers.
I will measure my cases on my fire formed rounds to see what they are. I did measure them once and though I was right around .513 just above the belt. I had to do this because the cases were sticking in the chamber. Even when I had the load backed way way down.
I had brass (given to me as once fired) sticking in the chamber too. I got a RCBS small base resize die and that cured it.
I got a 18 twist 7mm barrel this way:
crazy barrel story - Sniper's Hide Forums
I fire formed the brass with the .270 bullets and it all went fine, safe and cases came out good. I was surprised the rifle had some kick to it... the undersized bullets must have been trying to make a gas seal anyway. I learned that in a survival pinch I can shoot .270's through my 7mm.
Per load data I have found I seem to be able to use straight .300WM data for my 7-300.
I just go off the data for the same bullet weight. No I don't just jump into it blindly and load hot- but I have had no problem starting with middle 300WM loads in my
"7mm Win Mag"
Thanks fellas.
When I was just beginning to load for this cartridge I used 7mmRM max loads as a start load for my 7mm-300WM. That never even came close to given me trouble or pressure signs.
No that I have some experience with it under my belt I have found no issue using low to middle loads of the straight 300WM data in my 7mm-300WM with bullets of the same weight.
My MAX loads to date is:
(MY rifle, 30" barrel, tight neck chamber, in cool weather- upper 50's)
!80 grain bullet:
IMR 7828 75.5g 3261fps
H1000 79.4g 3225f/s
Retumbo 81g 3311f/s
As always temps are warmer now & your gun will be different, So drop way back off these charge weights and ease back up in small steps watching for pressure signs.
Thanks, Sid.
I worked up in 1/2g increments CAREFULLY measured, to 78g, because, as in the past w/ most of my Remmies, I could ususally be ok w/ slightly higher than max listed loads. Since all I have to go by is what this thread offers, I was careful in gettin there! No extraction problems, no pressure signs, ie, flat primer, ejector marks etc., and acceptable hunting accuracy for a factory take off bbl. BUT since this chamber is so large, I don't have a reference for head expansion that I go by. Only had problems (knock on wood, so far) w/ the second FF load and H4837sc which MUST be too hot cuz the primers came out! I don't care what the books say, if a primer comes out, SOMETHING is wrong in the mix! Usually it's the powder charge, IMO. But not sure here cuz it's uncharted territory for me.
If your cases come out .513 that would make sense, IF the virgin brass was .510-.511 to begin with. Couple thousandths expansion is acceptable, right?