Any ideas?

Well, I have no clue. I'm bowing out. Wish I could help but that's just weird
Thanks guys, I don't have a clue myself that's why I was asking I was just curious If anyone had run into this situation before
Well, if it were me and it happened again I'd maybe switch to a harder cup primer and see what happens. I'd think if it was a thin or soft primer it would have flattened and flowed. What is the load just for curiosity
One thing for sure -it's not a problem
You're absolutely right it is not a problem and when I made my last response I first said problem and then I changed it to situation, Just something I've never seen happen before and was curious
Following , I also have seen this alot on 45 acp fired brass. Never affected performance, but bugs the s&#t out of me...hopefully someone chimes in with the cause...rsbhunter
Been reloading about eight years and this is the first time I've ever seen it and yeah it bugs the shite out of me too
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