Anti-Cant: Help Needed

Thanks for the tip on the flatline ops, that looks like the best solution I've seen. I like how it can be flipped up so you can store it and/or walk through brush without having to worry about snagging it and breaking it. I think that's the one I'll order. When i get everything mounted up maybe I'll post a picture. Thanks to all for the great information and advice!
Thanks for the tip on the flatline ops, that looks like the best solution I've seen. I like how it can be flipped up so you can store it and/or walk through brush without having to worry about snagging it and breaking it. I think that's the one I'll order. When i get everything mounted up maybe I'll post a picture. Thanks to all for the great information and advice!

You're welcome, they're the best i've used. Another benefit I forgot to mention; with the Vortex, Holland, B-Square etc you have to use your tension screws to get the bubble perfectly level. This can be a PITA at times, with the Flatline, there are adjustable stops in both the folded & unfolded positions to make the fine adjustments you need to achieve perfection. WAY faster & easier on my blood pressure :D

Will do. Seems everything is on backorder these days.

Ain't that the truth. I've been waiting for almost 6 months for a Horus Vision ASLI. I use the Wheeler Anti-Cant which is a folding anti-cant. I especially like the index mark and florescent green, makes it really easy to see. Flips in and out and I discovered it can be flipped over to put the bubble on top of the scope if you prefer it mounted up high. I like it down lower. I bought it at Bruce Ventura's shop, see below for his link. I prefer supporting members than huge corporations.

High Power Optics

Thanks for all the great information and help. I took the advice of Outlaw6.0 and ordered the flatline ops that flips out. I ordered it off of here at the LRH store for $180 shipped. At that price, I'm guessing the quality is there and I look forward to receiving it. Worst case scenario it ends up for sale on here for a slight discount, but I somehow doubt I'll be disappointed. Once again, thanks!
Thanks for all the great information and help. I took the advice of Outlaw6.0 and ordered the flatline ops that flips out. I ordered it off of here at the LRH store for $180 shipped. At that price, I'm guessing the quality is there and I look forward to receiving it. Worst case scenario it ends up for sale on here for a slight discount, but I somehow doubt I'll be disappointed. Once again, thanks!

I honestly don't feel you will be disappointed, I don't advocate things I don't use. I've had the 34mm on a fatty leupold, sold both not to long ago. I'd have kept the Flatline had there been any more 34mm tubes in my safe. Flatline is the ONLY ACD you'll find on my rigs now. I would like you to post your impressions after you get'er installed, if you would please.

Speaking of everything being on backorder.....just got an email from LRH saying that the flatline ops is currently sold out but they should have more in next Tuesday. Guess I shouldn't complain, at least it isn't a real long wait.
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Personally I like an anti-cant device with no moving parts (other than the bubble of course) because they are always in position and ready to use. The slight offset of a tube mount lets me see the bubble from shooting position with my non scope eye. A tip: put it as far forward on the scope as you have room for, and you won't actually have to focus on it deliberately to "see" the bubble. I put all mine right behind the start of the bell flare if ring position allows, or if the front ring is all the way at the flare I put the bubble right behind it. Get it as far from your eye as you can.
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