Well-Known Member
Some people also just have let's say, anatomical differences. I have what's referred to as collapsed arches, in fact a "negative arch". The mechanics of it mean that I wear out the inner sole much quicker than the outer sole on all my footwear. It also means my calves have to work ALOT harder than other people's calves do while my quads don't get worked as much. I need a shoe that basically transforms my foot into what a foot should actually be instead of what I have .Well not everyone is as tough as you or were in the military.....I just hiked out 2 bull hind quarters from an elk on a pack frame and if it weren't for my lowa's my feet would have been hammered. Not to mention the other trips there and back for more meat. I stalked up on a herd of elk with in 25 yards with my big heavy boots on but to each their own.