An Arrest Made in the Cody Deer Killings


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2013
Winchester, Wy.
My buddy lives in the Cody Suburbs and one morning he found a wounded buck in his hedgerow. A few hours later a hunter shows up and asks if he can finish off the buck and remove it from his front yard. Another arrow finishes the job and leaves with the buck. My friend was always suspicious of the incident as to where the buck was originally wounded. On another note, I saw a B&C buck across from the Buffalo Bill Museum in the park. His horns were so large, his head looked like a small elk.
I hope this guy becomes a very publicized example of what happens, if…
Wonder if Sharpton and all the for-profit race baiters will come join in his defense?
Ugh we have the same issue in Canada, or at least in my particular neck of the woods. The rules about non toxic waterfowl loads apply TO ALL WATERFOWL HUNTERS…at least in theory. But it's common knowledge that a significant number of our local indigenous hunters just use lead because it's cheaper, more effective, and…nobody calls them on it and the COs don't investigate it for fear of somehow losing their job for being "racist" as though they were deliberately picking on them or trying to find something to write them up about. Double standards are double standards no matter who the beneficiary is.
A sick individual…..serious issues! memtb
This is also the sort of thing that anti-hunters (not just anti gun, but the PETA type people) really love to grab hold of and not only use for publicity but also to try and paint us all as somehow being a part of when we condemn it more than the general public ever will.

The die hard hunters and outdoorsmen of the world care more about the environment and the sustainability of wildlife populations than any politician or activist, and generally know what they're talking about too! And they paint us as being eager to kill everything with breath in its lungs, indifferent to habitat destruction and pollution, and generally a problem for nature when we're a vital source of data and funding for conservation efforts.

Then throw in the fact that if you express any skepticism toward climate change science and the policies implemented on account of the interpretation of that data you're somehow no different that the kind of outfits that deliberately dump toxic waste in waterways or deforest entire regions or indiscriminately use chemicals to eradicate all bugs and weeds with no regard….

We sure are bad people! 🤣
What shame regarding this man apparently disregarding the law and having a complete lack of ethics/morals. I hope the evidence is strong and so is the prosecutor. This seems like the type of thing that is easily pled down to something trivial, leaving the likely possibility of him continuing this behavior but changing what caused him to be caught.
It's kinda crazy how those of us who are hunters are so passionate about wildlife. I love to hunt, which means killing animals, and at the same time I love those animals I hunt and wanna see them thriving and healthy. But when I read this article all I can think is we need public hangings back.