Amp annealer headaches?

The AMP annealer has a steel case that covers the unit, that is grounded. That is a faraday cage isn't it?
Sort of but the case 8tself acts much like a antenna sticking out of the machine. Magnetic fields as was mentioned are tough to shield. I see the largest issue would be holding the case as it is annealing.

The issue is how this kind of emf effects different people in terms of symptoms.

Also in terms of air born chemicals you can not go by smell. Some of the most toxic have no odor. Still simply running a fan with ventilation if it was not used should give feedback to point towards or against.
The AMP annealer has a steel case that covers the unit, that is grounded. That is a faraday cage isn't it?
The Faraday cage is for electric fields—high voltage and low current. Minimally effective for magnetic fields (just the opposite. High current and low voltage).
A good friend of mine pointed out to me he was getting "headaches" while using his amp annealer. After our conversation I paid attention the next time I used mine and noticed I also didn't feel "right" while using mine. Seems almost like a brain fog or slight headache...came on after about 30 a test I cleaned brass in my wet tumbler before annealing the next make sure it wasn't the smell of carbon cooking that was doing it. I have noticed in subsequent sessions that when I'm annealing big cases with higher Aztec numbers the head fog comes sooner and more intense than when doing my 6xc cases...after about 20 minutes of being done I'm back to normal. I'm not for sure if it's I'm more sensitive to things (I get back ocular migraines and I've had 8 documented concussions...old pro Motocrossed)
get the AMP mate - Problem solved :)
With these comments, I can not help but to keep picturing a person in a tin foil cap with welding goggles on in boxers and a wife beater, anealing brass in a dark basement with a lava lamp and tesla coil going in the background. LOL!! Hope I'm not reflecting.

But in all seriousness, regardless what's the exact source of your headaches etc. If it only happens when using the machine you need to take that seriously. Nothing that does be if from heat source created fumes or energy fields or whatever is not healthy. We get enough inflammatory and cellular damaging effects in our modern environments, foods, etc. We do not need to be adding to it in any way. This is especially true as we age.
*Motocrosser) or if this is something everyone experiences..I'm kinda wondering if these induction annealers are putting out some kind of emf that's causing this. I love my amp annealer and will keep using it but now I'm trying to figure out a way to test the emf it puts out and how to shield myself from it while using it .. maybe some kind of Faraday cage around it.
Tinfoil hat works for me!