American Airlines “lost” my rifle

here are some links you may find interesting or worth reading

and all air lines have a responsibility to compensate folks on lost baggage, but the things one has to PROVE may be difficult at times

and look at lost baggage and limits! limits on liabilities

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Flying home and into JFK airport, I asked 3 different agents where my rifle case would be available for pick-up. Only one could answer and said that it would come down with the regular baggage, but it never did. I looked all around and kept returning to the regular baggage claim area, for my flight, but the rifle never appeared. My brother was walking all around the terminal and saw what appeared to be my rifle case laying on the floor in a different area. He picked it up and brought it over confirming that it was, indeed, my case.

It was my rifle, and it still had my tags on it. We walked out of the terminal with the case without anyone questioning anything. Virtually anyone could have seen the rifle case sitting unattended and walked right out with it.
This is exactly what I'm scared happened especially if it went to the right airport and went around a few times would think being firearm it would have to be signed for to be received
How long has it been? Always makes me nervous when we fly. I'm the guy that tries to watch out the window to see if I get a glimpse of my rifle case getting loaded in the plane.
I too watched 2 Junior Olympics case's to make sure they were loaded onto plane.
They were literally thrown on the tarmac before loading.
One firearm was damaged when we landed at Colorado Springs
I was thankful I stuffed my daughters Gun case with extra packing
One more thought, if this theft can be construed theft across State lines, maybe FBI would be better place for criminal complaint.

If nothing is done by anyone, I would contact my Congressional Representatives in writing with copy to all parties contacted for firearm theft investigation requesting their intervention to facilitate a investigation report. I would consider contacting local news channels with complaint which may be another pressure point. A itizen follows rules but AA and airport cannot secure your firearm? What else are they not doing to protect public safety?

I realize to some this may not be worth it but when you follow the firearm laws to the T and the system fails to protect your firearm during legitimate airline travel in conformance to all transportation and AA policies, I feel strongly we must object as loud as we can.

Because, I would take such offense, I would also submit a FOIA to local PD regarding all firearm thefts related to AA and the airport. If there is s pattern, all hello will break loose. If there is any hint beforehand, an attorney may be worth engaging to evaluate additional recovery.

I will bet the premise is you will file a report, collect insurance and go away. Of course I would do that but I would rain hello down upon everyone I could.

Then again, somebody may be using your rifle case in a secure storage area for lunch table and turn up with mayo on it.
I'll add this just cause some, may find it some what useful maybe HAHA!
many yrs back now, when I used to fly a lot to shoots and for hunts, I used to have the theory to get to the air port extra early, to get all things done and save any rushing on time

what I found out was this,
the FIRST folks that check baggage be it a rifle case or luggage, have a higher rate of bags getting lost and or missed flights
and the reason is rather simple
as they take in luggage they load carts, first things on cart are LAST things off cart
on two flights I actually watch my baggage NOT get loaded onto plane due to they ran out of room(both times was on flights to a hunt in Alberta!) Baggage did arrive on a different flight,. but at a later time the same day! , once it was re routed to Texas, other time to Utah, before heading back up to Alberta
after many conversations with some nice rather honest sounding folks in the airlines, they told me this was common practice and better to NOT be the first few bags checked in!

so, take this as ??? , its something I was told and I have stopped being the first at check in now ! and been problem free since!
food for thought!
I can relate

I had a Miller Marksman rifle and in '98 me and a buddy fly to Coeur d'Alene to hunt Elk with a member of his family.

We are standing at the windows watching them unload the plane so we can verify that our rifle cases are unloaded and we won't have to hang around the airport waiting for them. I watched in horror as my case comes out of the belly and lands on the corner of the case and flips like a tossed match. I immediately got the gate agent's attention and pointed to my case. She looked at me and asked me what exactly what I wanted her to do.

I just shrugged and walked away, once I retrieved the case and filed a complaint, we left.

I will say this, David builds a great rifle system, once we got to the ranch, the rifle was 2 clicks off. Luckily we were able to kill our elk.

The airline never replaced the case or offered compensation, even though they acknowledged that it was their fault.
I'm very sorry to hear of the troubles with air baggage handling. If there is a way to drive to the location, that's what I'm going to do. I spent many years traveling all over this country and many others. The baggage issues have created countless heart aches. The vast majority of the handlers are under such time constraints and poor leadership that it is a wonder anything gets to where it supposed to go.

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