absolute best scope???


You belly shooters are all alike. Making fun of anyone that don't hunt or shoot the way you do. That's a shame. I guess your way is the ONLY way to LR hunt the way you sound.

Just to increase your knowlege on how we do it at times.
We carry our Bigeyes (wrapped in bubble wrap) in the bottom of our Cabelas Freighter back packs, put our down hunting clothes in the backpack along with our food and ammo for the day, strap a small tripod on the pack and carry a lighter LR rifle (up to 16 or 17 Lbs) out on far ridges high in the mountains here in PA, for a day of glassing and hunting for deer. We have spots we have used for years.

We don't hunt the roads and when we are in Colorado we are 7 1/2 Miles back in.
Now if were on my property, we can shoot out to 3000 yards if we want to and the heavy equipment can and does get set up there.

The point is, we still hunt as a team of two or three and use the spotter system out on the ridges, on my property or where ever else we hunt which, I'm sure you are aware of. The bigeyes are a tremendous help if you've never used or seen them, which it sounds like you haven't.

Another thing, My Butler won't carry heavy equipment. We have to do that ourselves.

There you have it so leave my Butler out of it. You can't use him.

We don't use the hubble yet either. Be nice if we could though.


[ 03-05-2003: Message edited by: Darryl Cassel ]

If you had a good set of Bigeyes, you would leave the Steiners at home and would'nt need the other Butler.

Just a good back pack will do.

I wish you luck with these Tasco's

Give us a report how well they hold up.



I know you and some of the others here probably are going to on the ground laughing your butt off at me, but I gotta say it...

I have a Tasco SS10x42, have used and abused it for about 5 years now, and it is probably one of my favorite scopes that I have owned. It is as repeatable as my Sightron SII6-24x42, Weaver V16, or the Leupold LR/T 6.5-20x50mm and 8.5-25x50mm scopes I have owned. It has suffered some nasty falls (it was either drop the rifle or go endo down the side of the canyon), and just keeps on ticking. I won't lie and say that it's never lost its zero, but AFAIK, only as a result of incidents that I wouldn't even expect a U.S. Optics scope to weather unphased.

From what I understand, Tasco didn't make their own scopes, they purchased them from other manufacturers such as Hakko. Subsequently, they could purchase as much (or more often) or as little quality as they wanted/needed to. Mine is one of the 'older' ones from ~1998, and about the only grip I have w/ it is that once in a while I have to pull the scope caps off and relube the O-ring that seals them. About the only thing it affects is the 'feel' of the clicks.

Wish I could find a scope the same dimensions and build that was something like a 4-16x or 6.5-20x. God I'd be down at the blood bank every week selling it by the pint til I had enough $$$! This thing is an absolute tank, and works pretty well to boot.

To each their own.


Whatever works for each person is what counts.
That's why we usually say the best scope is the one that people use themselves and like the best.
It's like cars or trucks, which one is the "best". We could discuss that forever and not come up with a best for everyone.

Good luck with your scope and hope it keeps giving you good service.

That's all any of us can ask.

What's nice is, you don't have a lot of money tied up and it's doing the job for you.

Good shooting

[ 03-05-2003: Message edited by: Darryl Cassel ]

Agreed. I just like sticking up for the SS10x42's from time to time
Not *all* of them deserve the Tasco stigma.

FWIW, I am saving up towards another high-magnication higher-end/top-shelf scope. U.S. Optics is pretty much out of the question, and the Leupold LRTs I had got sold because they didn't agree w/ my eyes day after day, not because they weren't good scopes. The NF scopes seem to have what I'm looking for at the moment (high magnification) w/ relatively constant eye-relief), and have looked very nice the few that I've shot thru. But, then again, so do most scopes when I first look thru them


Since you seem to be the in-house NightForce proponent, here's a question for you (or anyone else who feels like answering):

For someone w/ a bit of budget constraints (i.e., non-taxpayer dollars here, and didn't win the lottery (not even the pull tabs) yestereday) what functional difference would a shooter see btwn the NXS series and the regular BR series? Both 30mm main tube, both 56mm objective, both lit reticle, same reticle choices I believe, etc. etc. etc. The NXS has the side focus w/ the nifty feature of the on/off/rheostat under the parallax turret, vs. a front adjustable objective. What I'm missing here is what is the difference btwn the two lines that makes the NXS's so much more $$$, and for *hunting*, are they worth it in your opinion?

(this is probably adding gas to the fire, but w/ the thread 5 pages and growing, what the heck ;P )


Soooo... if you are out to buy the best, and want something built hell-for-stout, as you put it, why not U.S. Optics?

By all accounts, you can always take off the scope (mounted in U.S. Optics mounts, of course) and bludgeon the sentry to death, and then remount it on your SWS w/o loss of zero, or if you'd rather, just beat a Leupold into shards, and then keep on shooting.

Not saying the above is true, or not, but perhaps you see the point... I think there is a point of diminishing returns for us 'ordinary' folk. Yeah, there's the nice saying about only a rich man can afford to buy (and keep buying) a cheap scope, but reality is that most people have a price ceiling. Yes, I know that my scope isn't the end-all-be-all of optical and mechanical perfection. Neither is my gun, nor my ammo. Very likely I'm not a good enough shooter to see a justifiable difference.

There's a fellow over on Sniper's Hide we ought to team you up w/... He's a die-hard U.S. Optics nut, and it'd be interesting to see the two of you go 'round
At least you don't add a big fat picture of a NightForce scope to every post (and don't go getting any ideas!)

So, seriously now, why is it that you worship at the shrine of NightForce vs. the altar of U.S. Optics? Inquiring minds want to know.


hehe, you have to post your pictures on the internet first then enter the URL. I sure wish it would work that way, it would make things a lot easier. I was using http://www.hunting-pictures.com but they seem to be down, at least they were last time I checked.
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