Not the intent at all. Maybe I'll say it like this yet one more time.which to me reads that you are saying that the slower twist bbl aids in the faster FPS thing.
My response was that the 1/2 inch twist has very little effect on speed.
If I am missing something? Am I reading something that isn't there? Please point it out to me.
1. You can get up to 200fps more from the Weatherby. Up to. But, not always.
2. (And this is still a second separate point) The biggest difference between the two, if one is going to buy one is (not speed but) the twist rate that some Remingtons are configured. This has an effect on stabilizing bullets. Some non-Remington brand rifles come in a 1:10 twist, which then puts them on a level field with regard to twist rates. Don't necessarily buy on speed.
3. (I'll add that) There is no relationship between twist rate and speed. Never said it, never will.
I'm not sure how else I can say it yet again, so I won't.