6mm Krieger - difference .236 vs .237?


Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2011
Conroe, Tx
I notice Krieger has 6mm barrels listed in both .236 and .237; what is the difference? I'm wanting to build a 6mm 284 that will shoot 105 or 115 VLD's so I was going to get a 8 twist but have no idea on the other part. Any help would be appreciated.
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Re: 6mm Krieger - difference .237 vs .237?

The second bore diameter is for the BR crowd. I can't recall which one it is but for the bullets you want to shoot, I'd stick with the standard bore diameter. My eight-twist Krieger shoots 105 Bergers great and my son's shoots the 105 A-maxes really well. Unless you have a specific reason, I wouldn't go with the alternate bore. Maybe someone here can give you a more scientific answer.
Re: 6mm Krieger - difference .237 vs .237?

Not sure if this is why but some barrel makers will make a bore diameter for hard bullets. These bullets need much higher engraving forces to get them started into the rifling. The larger bore diameter reduces this force because the lands are not as tall and this will reduce pressures slighly with hard bullets, especially bullets such as solids or very HEAVY jacketed bullets.

Again, I am not saying this is why Krieger offers the two different bore diameters, especially in the smaller 6mm bore size but it is a consideration.

ALso, with a thin jacketed bullet, if your driving them very fast, at times the shorter lands are easier on the core to jacket bond and will allow slightly more velocity without bullet failure.

Does not sound like you will be shooting hard bullets but if your rifle has a high velocity chambering, you may want to try the larger diameter bore with the Berger bullets.

In all reality, you likely would never be able to tell the difference between the two with most chamberings and velocity ranges and I would say accuracy potential would be so close it would be very hard to prove one if more accurate then the other.
Re: 6mm Krieger - difference .237 vs .237?

Thanks for everyone's help! It sounds like I would be better off getting a .237 for Long range hunting with Bergers, correct?
.237 is standard bore i believe. the .236 is considered a tight bore to shoot some specific slightly undersized bullets.

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