640 yard chuck pic WITH THE 22HORNET (the BOAG) baby of all guns


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2004
on the rifle range in Utah
I promised 7mmrhb that I would post this pic of him getting the 500 yard club because he can't type fast so here it is. He did say that he will post on it later tomorrow when his wife can help him.

Here is his pic and well done!

Here is the bullet that killed the chuck. It is a 40 grain Nosler bt. That is something I have never seen before, a recovered, mostly intact ballistic tip. You know that hit WAAAYY out there for it to slow down that much. Proof that it can be done IF you THINK it can! (this pic probably won't go through until 8/10/05 late)

ANother view of the dent in the side (sorry for the blurriness, I don't have a good close up focus) and notice the orange tip is gone!

ANd here is the boag next to the moag. Funny that it takes that much bigger of a cartridge to go another 1400 something yards!

OH, and by the way, 7mmrhb IS getting that chuck stuffed! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif
Great Job!!!! quite a feat with a little 100 yard gun. It is great to see the little under dogs get the credit they should. I thought I was doing something shooting hog at 650 yrds with .223 and 75 gr A-Max, boy I was wrong. Good shooting
I am pround to have a 500 yd hit on a whitetail . . . I'm man enough to know that was luck, but 22 Hornet on a 600+yd chuck . . . I vote for skill! Nice shot.
It would be interesting to see a calculation on the terminal velocity and energy at 640 yds. Little 25 gr bullets out of a 17 Rem don't have much. Plus there is not much damage to the bullet so it must have been gasping and wheezing the last few yards trying to get to the chuck.

Really a great idea and fun thing to do shooting the 22 Hornet that far.
That is a great shot, based on exbal with a velocity of 3060fps the velocity and energy at 640 yards is 1073 fps 102 ft-lb.

Great pictures.
102 ft #, that is sooo funnnny! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif

Lucky the bullet didn't bounce off. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
You continue to impress me every time I read something. Thats like throwing a aspirin at a chuck at 640 yards, next time crush a aspirin and mold it in a bullet and then shoot so when you hit the chuck it will medicate it. unbelievable, what next? 700 yards
Heck of a poke 7mm,

I can't believe you pushed that 22hornet that far. That is one really neat looking chuck also, those things are pretty slick looking. Sounds like you guys up there have this long range stuff figured out.

Good Job
The B.O.A.G. at640 yards. We were sitting around the camp fire and I told G.G. that we should call my 22Hornet the B.O.A.G. for baby of all guns as a joke and it kind of stuck . We had just killed a 11.5 lb female chuck at 640 yards with a 22 hornet and it got us talking about how it all came about. In 1996 my cousin and I bought two Ruger 77/22 Hornets to prove a bunch of [GUN WRITTERS ]wrong about the accuracy of this round.We did all the usual tricks to the stock ,trigger,brass and worked up some loads .This turned into an ordeal of no small order but we finaly found a good load that shot around .5 inches at 2960 fps. We shot that load for years taking numerous P dogs at 300 plus yards asome beyond 400. This is where I met G.G. and old Bear at Sportsmens Warehouse,the kept calling bull on shooting long with the Hornet. Even Brian B.Wasnt buying the story. So one winter day they invited me to a 1000 yard GONG session they were having .I showed up with the Hornet and told them I was going to shoot the 500 yard Gong after they were through at 1000.They didnt laugh but they did look at me a little strange. It was late and cold when they were done at 1000 but they wouldnt let me off the hook Brian insisted that Igoing to prove my claim. So in near perfect conditions we ,set up on top of G.G.s truck shell dialed up the scope and started to shoot .Because of the cold it took two shots to get on the Gong but then it ran eight in a row with a 2 inch by 7 inch group. Then I let everyone have a go and I think only a few shots out of 28 missed the mark .Now no one was thinking I was nuts anymore. Now back to my atempt to make the V.H.A. 500 yard club with the B.O.A.G. .G.G.was calling shots but the chucks wouldnt hold still for two shots so I could get dialed in.As they moved and further and further away I ran out of ups .Just then G.G. spotted a large chuck at 640y .I told him I was going to have to use old fashioned hold over and he told me to stop thinking and start shooting . After four shots I had the wind [7.5moa] and elevation [one chuck high] the fifth shot found the mark. The chuck was facing us and with the rainbow trajectory the 40gr NBT hit and shattered her left top tooth,cut along the left jaw and entered between her neck and collar bone ,hitting the left ribs, deflected right and lenghtwise ending up poking through the skin right obove the right hip.That little pill passed through over 13 inches of chuck. terminal velocity was around 1400 fps with 180lbs of energy .11000 ft really helps ..My current load is 13.9gr lil gun 205m primmer 40gr nbt at 3060fps and is very consistent. As fun as this day was the next day with the M.O.A.G. was incredible .this gun amazes me every time I see it shoot.Ive been lucky to be there for all these shots and thank G.G. and Brian B. for including me in this process. I congratulate them on their 2051 2144 and slams . Also congrats to Old bear on making the 1000yard club .As for the B.O.A.G. maybe it will be a K Hornet next year and well try for 750 /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif thanks for your kind remarks to my little shot. 7mmR.H.B.
Good story 7mmrhb!
It was a blast watching those little bullets "rain" down around the chucks.

I would be willing to bet that you are the first guy ever to join the 500 yard club with a hornet. It is such a fun gun to shoot, and I think we should try for the 750 yard chuck next year when you get it turned into a 22 K hornet. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif
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