600 yard deer rifle

i like the 6.5-284 and would consider one for coues; it is hard to get one right out of the box. my 6.5-284 sendero( no brake) kicks more than my 7mmmag with a brake. the 300 win is a great round. the sendero is a great choice. the 300 win mag has lapua brass available. my experience is that it is one of the easiest to get a "good "load for . and it can easily handle deer at 600 yards. get a vais, adjust the trigger and put a good scope on it you are ready to go.
Out to 600 yards you can do the fast and flat rifles like the 257 wby. Mine shoots the 100 grain Barnes at 3780 fps and is incredibly flat out to 600 yards but then falls off the table. Others are similar. This is about as much as you can get and stay in a fairly light recoil rifle. I agree with some of the other guys that you do not need a huge magnum with a lot of kick or requiring a muzzle brake. I just took a nice caribou with this load last week at 486 yards. Took two steps and fell over.

Just suit your rifle to your hunting style. If you do not need to go beyond 600 yards you do not need a super magnum with heavy hard kicking high BC bullets. A lightweight flat shooting bullet in the 3600-3800 fps range will work just fine and get your point blank range way out there. Something like the 264 win mag or 7mm rem mag with light bullets (120 grains) doesn't kick all that hard and will put you super flat out to 600and wallop deer size stuff.
If you truly are not going to reach beyond 600 yards, I'd lean towards the 7mm options. If you want off-the-shelf nothing is wrong with the standard long mag; given the choice, I'd go with the WSM.

Personally I have a bend towards the .30cal options, just prefer the larger bullet I guess. If you're going to include some larger animals or think you may want to go beyond 600yds on game, I'd recommend the 300 magnums.

I have a Sendero in 300WM, it is a fine rifle and developing a load was straightforward. Brass is easy to come by, as is loaded ammo if I ever needed it. I've used it on game out to almost 700 yards and it did not disappoint, it would be a fine choice for you.
The 300 Win is a fine cartridge, a little bit more than you need but easy to load. I shot a 300 Win Sendero for several years and it was a great rifle. I loaded 165 NBT's at just under 3400 fps fast flat and deadly out to 700. Did I mention they will damage meat. I also shoot a 300 WSM and it is also a fine cartridge and easy to load for. The smaller cartridged 7-08 308 etc are tougher on a new shooter as you get out there less room for error on your dope.
My 7mm ultra in a Sendero will shoot 1 inch to 1 1/2 inch groups @ 500 yards off of shooting bags. I have also shot a few 3/4 inch groups at that range with it. The only work i've done to it is a trigger job. I also have a stock 300 ultra mag in a 700 PSS that will do 2 inch groups @ 500 yards. It also has had only a trigger job. I only shoot my handloads. I don't think you can go wrong with a Sendero in any caliber.
You can't go wrong with a Tikka T3. I have one in a 300wsm. The ammo is more then just 300winn mag but the recoil is alot less. Using off the shelf Winchester Power Points I can put 3 rounds inside a penny at 100 yards.
A .264 win mag in a Sendero is a killer combo that you can't beat for a deer gun. I used one for years on deer, elk and moose and still would if I could pry it out of my dads hands.
My best load is with a 140gr SGK and nothing I pulled the trigger on went more that 20 yards.

I would also recommend the 7mm rem mag. Light recoil with a brake on bullets up 154 grains in my experience. gun)
You probably got a gun by now...If you hand load then my preference is a 7 mag with 168vld. So far I have stomped muleys with it up to 750 yards. But gotta love the 30 cal cause they really step up in hydraulic shocks with the right bullet.
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