600 yard deer rifle

In my opinion the sendero is a great gun out of the box and will be my next gun.
Right now I shoot a savage 16 in 300 wsm with a vx3 scope and can shoot out to 600 all day.
My daughter shoots a ruger 77(heavy barrel) in 25-06 with 100 gr nozzlers it good out that far as well
good luck
I own 2 senderos, a 270 wincherster, and a remington 7mm magnum. The Senderos are just sniper rifles for hunting in my opinion. Being a Special Forces soldier, we had 12 M-24 sniper rifles in our Company. 2 per team, I would put my senderos up against these 5000 dolllar guns.
Don't think you can beat the Sendero for the "out of the box" rifle, but I don't think you need a 300 for a 600yds deer hunting. The 7's bc are just better and just in case you have a need to extend your range, the 7 mag will get you there with no problem. My sendero will shoot 2 to 3 inches at 600 yds all day long. Good luck with your choice.
Once again I'll be the odd man out. For less money, you could buy a Savage in any caliber you want to shoot to 600 yards and be effective. I would go with the weather warrior 16/116 series or the Mod 12 line and get into something that will allow you to use what money you have left over to get some glass. The 11/111 and 10/110 series rifles will also fill the bill. They have great accuracy and with the new accu-stock you gain even better performance. I own 2 Savages and won't trade them for anything. But if your really wanting a remington, I would definitely consider a Sendro for performance.

Once again I'll be the odd man out. For less money, you could buy a Savage in any caliber you want to shoot to 600 yards and be effective. I would go with the weather warrior 16/116 series or the Mod 12 line and get into something that will allow you to use what money you have left over to get some glass. The 11/111 and 10/110 series rifles will also fill the bill. They have great accuracy and with the new accu-stock you gain even better performance. I own 2 Savages and won't trade them for anything. But if your really wanting a remington, I would definitely consider a Sendro for performance.



I too voted for Savage ... didn't realized he also posted on the deer hunting forum ...



Us Savage guys have to stick together.

308 Norma,
I would consider using the caliber that is your screen name. Has plenty of push for what you are trying to do if you have one. 180 grain or 190 grain will kill anything within 600yards. The wsm's will due everything you want and more.

I think that 300 WM is an excellent choice. I also like 7mm Rem. Senduro's are awsome for the coin.
I would stay away from Savage since lately they dropped their standards to 1.75 MOA or less, I recently bought one of their 12 series riffle which shot just 1.5 MOA with factory and 1 MOA with handloads. Remington haven't done good job lately many of them have headspace problems, if you decide to go with Remington take go no go gage with you, I would recommend to use it on any, to many lemon slips are produced and out there waiting for you to buy them. If you like something what will shoot good and without hangover later, go with something which at least guaranty SUB MOA, like SAKO-TIKKA, Wetherby Vanguard, or even TC ICON line I just got one TC Precision Hunter which holds sub .5 MOA. Back to the cartridge to use on white tail, 270 WIN will do just fine, it has power to do job right, I think with 130 grain SGK and 58 grains of RL-22 you will find that it only takes 0.75 second to reach whatever you out there to get and it will drop 70" with 1900 fps and 1030 ft. lbs. However going with 150 grain 300 WM will reach 600 yards in 0 .78 seconds it will drop 76.5" and be going 1740 f/s and 1000 ft/lbs of energy, so you can see almost same time speed is greater on 270 WIN and impact energy is better and this energy makes things drop and its flatter, and the right tool will make a big difference don't forget good scope will also add-on to the equation. Whatever you decide on don't get in the overkill zone like 338 :-D
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+1 for the Sendero in 300 Win. Mag. I don't think they make it in a 300 WSM though. You can't go wrong with the Remington 700, ever!
The 308 will get you to 600 yds for deer, but the 300 (WM or
WSM) will get you there with plenty of thump. And if I were not shooting elk size game, I would go with the 7 WSM, RM or RUM.

The Sendero's are a great rifle... I would buy an original NIB (or low milage) SF off gunbroker before getting a new SFII.

I would stay away from Savage since lately they dropped their standards to 1.75 MOA or less,

HUH! Proof please.

Whatever you decide on don't get in the overkill zone like 338 :-D

What's an overkill? IMHO, as long as you humanely harvest your game of choice and can effectively and efficiently shoot your caliber of choice, I see nothing wrong with it. A lot of guys here use 300g SMKs on .338 variants on PDs. :)

Magnumitis is a contagious obsession! Is it necessary and do we need it? Absolutely not! Do we want it? Absolutely yes! :D
I have owned three Sendero's (.25-06, 7mmRM, .300WM) and I have owned four Savages (110/J Series: .308, 110FP: .223, 110FP: 7mmRM, 112BVSS: .300WM). All these shot handloads sub 1/2" MOA as far as I could shoot. I can't speak for the current model of Sendero but the first and second generation were absolutely amazingly accurate (aaa). The latest model is too pricey for me. Call me cheap but accuracy can be had at a lesser price.
ALL the Savages I have owned have been aaa, even with their flimsy Tuperware stock and mushy, heavy triggers. The two 110FP's had the plastic stocks. I learned their limitation and lived with them. I didn't/don't mind buying aftermarket triggers. They are fun to install and definately improve my rifle/my shooting. The current Savage (112BVSS) that I own in .300WM is a great rifle! All that I added to it was a Rifle Basix trigger (nice trigger) and I would put it up against any Sendero out there with like upgrades. I know how they shoot, I've owned them.
The newer Savages with the AccuTriggers and AccuStocks are improvements of the "faults" that rifle shooters complained about of the older Savages.
I'm not taking sides with either company or rifle. I own heavy barreled, accurate rifles from Remington, Savage and Winchester. As a matter of fact, the only one I haven't done anything to is the Winchester Model 70 HVB in .243Win. That is one sweet rifle. It was made from the ground up to be accurate and it is. JohnnyK.
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