600 yard deer rifle

HUH! Proof please.

Well I have pre acutriger Savage which I bought few years back... its 270 WIN and it was shooting 1/2 MOA right out the box now its still holds sub moa after the years of work, this year I bought another Savage 11 model Boyd Stock chambered for .308, I tried all kinds of factory ammo from 150 gr to 180, but it didn't like none of them 1.5" - 2" groups, I tried to work handloads for it, I found out that it will shoot 155 grain going 2600 ft/s just below 1" also it did like 165 gr Nosler ballistic tip. Anyway I called Savage to complain about the accuracy, I wanted them to look at, in customer support I was told that if my riffle can shoot 1 3/4 groups it is within their standards and they will not do anything about it. After this conversation I changed my perspective about Savage. lightbulb
What's an overkill? IMHO, as long as you humanely harvest your game of choice and can effectively and efficiently shoot your caliber of choice, I see nothing wrong with it. A lot of guys here use 300g SMKs on .338 variants on PDs. :)

Magnumitis is a contagious obsession! Is it necessary and do we need it? Absolutely not! Do we want it? Absolutely yes! :D

Well if you really want get .338 in the matter of fact I would recommend .338 Lapua Magnum and for the deer go with 200 grain bullet, it will give you nicer trajectory and lighter recoil, what a heck 600 yards, with this cartridge you should be able to take down anything 1000 yards away. :D and you can use this riffle not only on the deer species but on the elephants as well :D
I have a Mod 12 Low Profile in 300WSM that started life as a .308. It would consistently shoot 1" but mostly 3/4" or less. I have cosistently shot .5MOA with this rifle using handloads. When changing to the 300WSM it took some time developing a load, but so far I have 2 kills at 600yrds+ on ground hogs. One of the shots was in the head at 605yrds. I have two confirmed hits at 1100yrds on steel. The only modifications have been a muzzle break, and rechambering. Nothing more, nothing less. I would suggest taking your Mod 11 to a smith and have him scope the barrel and see if there are any flat spots in the rifling. It may just need to be recrowned. I did have some burring issues initially in the chamber when I bought the rifle that required a little cleaning up. That made my groups shrink, but at that point it had already shot a .233" group from prone on a bipod at 100yards with 110 V-Max's.

Right now I am using 200grn SMK's with 61.5grns RL17. Seems to like this load and velocity. It is currently clocking at 2950 and cutting a ragged hole group in 80degree weather. I would really push Savage to fix the problem. Some one there should care.

I would suggest taking your Mod 11 to a smith and have him scope the barrel and see if there are any flat spots in the rifling. It may just need to be recrowned.

I would really push Savage to fix the problem. Some one there should care.

Gunsmith, done that got glass bedded and target crowned as the result no change just waste of money. So I trade it for .308 TC ICON, I only took it to the range twice and by best group is 0.315 and average 0.45
You made a good trade, but after all that money spent, I would have put a good aftermarket barrel on it. I think that would have been a little cheaper solution. I'm glad to hear you found a rifle that will shoot for you though. I was wondering what those Icon's were capable of. I read a pretty good article on them, and was quite impressed.

You made a good trade, but after all that money spent, I would have put a good aftermarket barrel on it. I think that would have been a little cheaper solution. I'm glad to hear you found a rifle that will shoot for you though. I was wondering what those Icon's were capable of. I read a pretty good article on them, and was quite impressed.

It was taught to find someone who would take modified Savage, and resale value on it is not that great, I had to throw my Saiga .308 just to trade evenly.
Well I have pre acutriger Savage which I bought few years back... its 270 WIN and it was shooting 1/2 MOA right out the box now its still holds sub moa after the years of work, this year I bought another Savage 11 model Boyd Stock chambered for .308, I tried all kinds of factory ammo from 150 gr to 180, but it didn't like none of them 1.5" - 2" groups, I tried to work handloads for it, I found out that it will shoot 155 grain going 2600 ft/s just below 1" also it did like 165 gr Nosler ballistic tip. Anyway I called Savage to complain about the accuracy, I wanted them to look at, in customer support I was told that if my riffle can shoot 1 3/4 groups it is within their standards and they will not do anything about it. After this conversation I changed my perspective about Savage. lightbulb

Well if you really want get .338 in the matter of fact I would recommend .338 Lapua Magnum and for the deer go with 200 grain bullet, it will give you nicer trajectory and lighter recoil, what a heck 600 yards, with this cartridge you should be able to take down anything 1000 yards away. :D and you can use this riffle not only on the deer species but on the elephants as well :D

Thanks for the advise but I already have a .338!
What's wrong with the old .338 WM. That would get you as far as you wanted and more. 215grn SGK worked good for me. That was in a Ruger #1. That thing hurt when loaded really hot. gun)


Hummm...I have a few comments about this video.

How many sighter shots did they take?
Judging by the ammo box next to him, they were shooting handloads.
What size targets were they shooting at? They look at least 12", maybe more, which means that's at best 1MOA accuracy.
Also he took the shots pretty quickly taking advantage of same conditions, which didn't look to be very challenging.

It's good but not impressive. I bet more factory rifles that you think could do that, specially Remingtons.

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