6.5x284 24" vs. 26" Barrel

I was always told that generally you lose 50fps per inch which is untested by me.
I can test it though as I have a 22' 260 & a 20' 260, both are varmints but in different stocks
I reach for the 20' more than the other now which I wouldn't hesitate shooting out to 500yrd.
The 22' I shoot steel out to 1000mtrs.

If you plan to still shoot a long way then I would keep it long, or cut it & Get in closer.
The 50fps is not a linear amount. It works around the 20-22" jump but is much smaller as the barrel gets longer. Some good write ups out there that guys cut barrels an inch at a time and test.
The 50fps is not a linear amount. It works around the 20-22" jump but is much smaller as the barrel gets longer. Some good write ups out there that guys cut barrels an inch at a time and test.

That's going to vary with the powder you use.

Faster burning powders will lose less, slower burning powders will lose more velocity when comparing longer barrels like the 28" as you start dropping back to 20".

The reason we can achieve such high velocities with slow burning powders is that more of it is burning in the barrel as compared to faster burning powders where more is burnt in the chamber an first six inches of barrel.
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