6.5x284 24" vs. 26" Barrel

What barrels have you used that has been repeatable at giving you 3000 fps from barrel to barrel. I still have not rebarrel my savage and still wonder what barrel to go with? I will be doing a 26 inch barrel when I get it down.
Not speaking for him but 26" is a good one to get that number. I've had 24-28.5 and 26 is an easy 3000. 24 is 2950. 28 I see 3100 with a 140.
What barrels have you used that has been repeatable at giving you 3000 fps from barrel to barrel. I still have not rebarrel my savage and still wonder what barrel to go with? I will be doing a 26 inch barrel when I get it down.
I have used Criterion and Bartlein, both 26", and capable +3000FPS using 140's with excellent accuracy and low ES. Both are excellent barrels.
Dang!! I hate/love the research and build up when trying to decide on a new build. Heck, the other day I was 70% convinced to just build a 6.5 SAUM. Then I could load it up or down depending on what I wanted. While I was looking at the SAUM,I saw a ton of info about how long barrels are lasting shooting the SAUM with H1000. Some are reporting 2000-3000 rounds before significant drop off in accuracy. This just doesn't make sense to me. Don't want to sidetrack my own thread, but all this talk about pressure etc. kind of fits. Anyone have any ideas about how the SAUM is so easy on barrels.
Greyfox and others: Would you mind sharing your loads with H1000/140 Bergers? If you don't feel comfortable putting it here, could you PM me?
Thanks again to everyone. Great info here!
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Ha!! I've heard some horror stories about 140 Bergers getting pushed at 3100+. Don't want to mess with that.
Dang!! I hate/love the research and build up when trying to decide on a new build. Heck, the other day I was 70% convinced to just build a 6.5 SAUM. Then I could load it up or down depending on what I wanted. While I was looking at the SAUM,I saw a ton of info about how long barrels are lasting shooting the SAUM with H1000. Some are reporting 2000-3000 rounds before significant drop off in accuracy. This just doesn't make sense to me. Don't want to sidetrack my own thread, but all this talk about pressure etc. kind of fits. Anyone have any ideas about how the SAUM is so easy on barrels.
Greyfox and others: Would you mind sharing your loads with H1000/140 Bergers? If you don't feel comfortable putting it here, could you DM me?
Thanks again to everyone. Great info here!
I run primarily 56-58gr Retumbo/Fed210's or BR2's with the 140's for at 2975-3025FPS. You can run about 50FPS slower with H4831SC(53gr) or 50FPS faster with R26(55gr).
"Always" work up a to these loads starting a few grains.
I hear about those reports of the SAUM....I'm skeptical, to say the least and would like to understand how the barrel life is determined.
The flash,(different from the "fireball" caused by insufficient barrel length),of my 24" 6,5x284's is consistent with those produced my 30-06, 270, with the same length barrel/powder..... because the case capacity is similar. Some claim the burn is better with the 6.5x284 then those mentioned due to the fatter case geometry.

That's what I would expect. No matter the barrel length or powder chosen getting more than a 95-98% burn in the chamber and barrel with anything but the fastest burning powders is difficult at best.
Dang!! I hate/love the research and build up when trying to decide on a new build. Heck, the other day I was 70% convinced to just build a 6.5 SAUM. Then I could load it up or down depending on what I wanted. While I was looking at the SAUM,I saw a ton of info about how long barrels are lasting shooting the SAUM with H1000. Some are reporting 2000-3000 rounds before significant drop off in accuracy. This just doesn't make sense to me. Don't want to sidetrack my own thread, but all this talk about pressure etc. kind of fits. Anyone have any ideas about how the SAUM is so easy on barrels.
Greyfox and others: Would you mind sharing your loads with H1000/140 Bergers? If you don't feel comfortable putting it here, could you PM me?
Thanks again to everyone. Great info here!

You will get better barrel life with the slower burning powders than with faster burning powders. Narrowing it down beyond that gets rather speculative because there are so many other factors at play.

If you want good barrel life, buy quality barrels to start with, consider nitriding after break in, use slower burning powders and most importantly keep your shot strings short, preferably no more than three shots in three minutes and let them cool down in between strings.

Heat is cumulative, barrels get hotter with each shot in the string and what eats barrels is heat and pressure. All else being equal the hotter the barrel gets the more chamber pressure you're going to have eroding the throat.

Also when doing a build have them leave enough shank so as to be able to set it back and rechamber a time or two. That will save you a whole lot of money vs rebarreling each time you get sufficient throat erosion and if you happen to have that one in a lifetime barrel you may not be able to match or better next time around you can just keep shooting it.
Well I will make one more post on the topic...those who say a 24" handles better...take a ruler and look just how long two inches really is!

I'd bet a dollar to a donut that someone handed you a rifle and you cold study the barrel length...just use it normally...you couldn't tell the difference.

Now if your dropping down to a 20 or 22" barrel, I wouldn't bother with a 6.5x284. I'd find a chambering that excelled in a 20" barrel. I wouldn't waste the powder in that fat little case.

But that's just me...
Mine is currently 24", went long as I wasn't sure I would suppress it. Just got it and first time using the 6.5-284. Looking to do around 2900 fps with 140s and maybe around 2850 with the 156 EOL. Using H4350 and H1000 as I have plenty of both. I find the 140 vld performs very well when shot around that velocity.
love the 6.5-284
about to build another one with a bartlein 3 barrel and am going 26inches. i have them in 24 and 26 inches. I can get 3000 with in 24 inch barrel with the 140 no problem it just takes more load to do it. My accuracy node for the 24inch barrel always seems to be around 2930. with the 26 inch barrel i have found my accuracy node to be around 2975-3000. Pick your poison.
Well, the decision has been made. A Proof 26" 1-8" barrel has been ordered. I decided I've been shooting 26" barrels on everything with and without brakes forever. I can't really think of a time that I wished I had a shorter barrel. I think I was making a problem in my head that didn't really exist. I appreciate everyone taking the time to comment and offer opinions.
Now the problem is I started looking at changing to a 6.5 PRC just to do something new or a 6.5 SAUM. But, I already have the dies and Lapua brass for the 6.5x284 so I'll probably just stick with it. Need to get my stock ordered and then hurry up and WAIT!!! AAARRGGHHH!!
I was always told that generally you lose 50fps per inch which is untested by me.
I can test it though as I have a 22' 260 & a 20' 260, both are varmints but in different stocks
I reach for the 20' more than the other now which I wouldn't hesitate shooting out to 500yrd.
The 22' I shoot steel out to 1000mtrs.

If you plan to still shoot a long way then I would keep it long, or cut it & Get in closer.
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