6.5 PRC

That's good info! That's good velocity too. Is that on a chrono? Berger data suggest 2644fps at 54.5
That load data from Berger has changed a few times - I've seen threads (wanna say it was on snipershide or Rokslide) where members posted emails from Berger and the data was definitely different.

Your rifle is telling you that you were too hot. Back it down and find another node.
Do you have the latest load data? If so would you mind either posting it here or sending it to me?
I think 58 gr of H1000 is too much powder for 156 gr Bergers regardless of the temperature.
I am loading 156 Berger's over 56 gr of H1000, 2.280 CBTO with velocity 2950 and .3 moa with no problems in Texas. This is the sweet spot for my 6.5 PRC , Zermatt TL3 action and 26" Proof CF barrel. Any loads hotter than this (and I stopped at 56.8) showed pressure and groups expanded to 2" @ 200yds. Back off the powder in increments until find a sweet spot with good MOA and velocity.
That's good info! That's good velocity too. Is that on a chrono? Berger data suggest 2644fps at 54.5
That's an average through my chronograph. I don't have the data in front of me, but it was pretty consistent. Less than 25 fps variation if I recall correctly. I live at 4300 feet and the temp was about 70 degrees when I shot to get that data. Seems to be pretty close, but not perfect on my ballistic app. I shot it at 411, 522, 650 and 833 yards this morning and it was consistent and accurate. (I know, odd yardages, but that's how my range sets up due to topography.)

You'll get it figured out. Best of luck. The guys on this site have excellent insight and experience.
I think 58 gr of H1000 is too much powder for 156 gr Bergers regardless of the temperature.
I am loading 156 Berger's over 56 gr of H1000, 2.280 CBTO with velocity 2950 and .3 moa with no problems in Texas. This is the sweet spot for my 6.5 PRC , Zermatt TL3 action and 26" Proof CF barrel. Any loads hotter than this (and I stopped at 56.8) showed pressure and groups expanded to 2" @ 200yds. Back off the powder in increments until find a sweet spot with good MOA and velocity.
I use 56.0 grs. RL26. If it's warm out I get sticky bolt. Same thing happens with 80.0 grs RL26 with 180-182 Hammer when gets hot but shoots great. I tried 90.0 grs RL26 WITH 182 Hammer in 300 RUM a week ago. It was about 75 degrees. Not very warm. Had no pressure signs and shot great. Going to load hotter. I'll bet if it's a warm day I'll get pressure signs quickly .
I have burned many 8lb jugs of H1000 in 3 different .300 Win Mag rifles and multiple barrels over the last 20 years or so and have found it to be very temp stable. If your load is showing high pressure, I'd say it probably has more to do with just too much powder, and less to do with the temperature.
I have burned many 8lb jugs of H1000 in 3 different .300 Win Mag rifles and multiple barrels over the last 20 years or so and have found it to be very temp stable. If your load is showing high pressure, I'd say it probably has more to do with just too much powder, and less to do with the temperature.
I'm going to try some loads with H1000 also after today. I have quite a bit of it and Retumbo. May try Retumbo also. Have to sight in today .
I wanted to get you guys' input on what happened here:

I went out testing loads today. Not sure what all is relevant so here's all the conditions:
Bullet:156 Berger
COAL: 2.955
Primer: Winchester large rifle

At 57gr my bolt was just a bit sticky. Went up .5 gr at a time. Had to stop at 58.5 and had to use a rubber mallet to open the bolt. 58.6 would be 100% fill. How much of the problem was the heat? Where would you go from here? Thanks!
55.02,80161,100 PSI
Lets see, your running in summer heat of 95 which is hella hot for doing load work as well you're running 3.5 grains over the Hogdon max load so yeah there is good reason for you to using a rubber mallet. Good thing you're not wearing a bolt in your noggin as well............

I'd advise to drop way the heck back!

Tis your call though
Amazing coincidence. I'm shooting the same bullet, powder and almost the same overall length as you. I had the same problem with the sticky bolt. I ended up "backing off" on the H1000 (after trying am bunch of other powders). I'm now down to 54.6 grains of H1000 with the 156 grain Berger. Muzzle velocity is only 2840, but it shoots like darts. I shot at distance yesterday and had two shots at 833 yards that were almost touching. So I quit.

I guess what I am saying is don't be afraid to back off the powder. To me, the safety and accuracy are paramount. I can dial another MOA or two if the rifle functions well and the groups are tight.

Good question and best of luck.
What barrel length is your PRC?